Inglés, pregunta formulada por angiemonsalve2727, hace 6 meses

porfi doy corona Escribe el CONDICIONAL que corresponda segun cada situacion. 1. If I ___________ (see) John, I ___________ (tell)

him your news tomorrow.

2. Meg sleeps only 5 hours a day. If she ___________

(sleep) longer, her health ___________ (improve)


3. If you _________ (freeze) water, it __________

(turn) to ice.

4. If she ___________ (want) to talk to me, she

___________ (ring up). But she doesn't.

5. If you ___________ (need) help with your car

tomorrow, my father ___________ (help) you.

6. We ___________ (have) a picnic if the day

___________ (be) fine.

7. I ___________ (understand) Mr. Brown if he

___________ (speak) slowly. But he doesn’t.

8. If you ___________ (see) a policeman, he always

can ___________ (show) you the way.

9. I ___________ (finish) the job tomorrow if I

___________ (can).

10. If I _________ (go) on a boat, I always

___________ (feel) sick.

11. You ___________ (make) a fortune if you

___________ (take) my advice. Too bad that you

never listen to me!

12. I ___________ (not need) an umbrella if it

___________ (not rain).

13. If they ___________ (catch) a bus now, they

___________ (arrive) at half past nine.

14. If he ___________(not/know) the word, he

always __________ (look) in a dictionary.

15. She ___________ (get) fit if she ___________

(walk) every day 3 km. But she is too lazy.

16. If I ___________ (think) that about him, I

___________ (say) so aloud. But I don't actually.

17. If he ___________ (promise) to behave well, his

mum ___________ (forgive) him in some time.

18. If you ___________ (want) me to, I ___________

(come) for a walk with you next weekend.

19. If we ___________ (can) come on Sunday, we

___________ (come). I am really sorry but we can't.

20. If you ___________ (

___________ (boil).

21. He ___________ (lose) weight if he ___________

(stop) eating so much. However, it's only an


22. Life ___________ (be) boring if we ___________

(have) nothing to do. Thants nice it isn't so.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por nataliadeyoung

Respuesta: 1. see, will tell

2. slept, would improve

3. freeze, will turn

4. wanted, would ring up

5. need, will help

6. will have, is

7. understand, spoke

8. if you see a policman, he can always show you the way*

9. will finish, can

10. go, feel

11. can make, took

12. dont need, doesnt rain

13. caught, would arrive

14. doesnt know, looks

15. would get, walked

16. thought, would say it

17. promised, would forgive

18. wanted, could come

19. could, would come

20. ?

21. would lose, stoped

22. could, had


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