Inglés, pregunta formulada por maykollazo27, hace 7 meses

porfavor ayudenme e estado preguntando varias veces solo hay que resolverlo y me pueden dar el prosedimiento​​

el tema es Will-Uncertain plans​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por noquierovivir246


1. They will read this books in five month.

2. We won't swim in the sea.

3. He will play soccer this afternoon.

4. She won't be in the volleyball team the next year.

5. I will get many presents on my birthday.

maykollazo27: muchisimas gracia
maykollazo27: ss
tatigamed: esta mal
Contestado por tatigamed


  1. the five read month will
  2. we the wont the in sea.
  3.   he this soccer player afternoon will
  4. she be in the next team volleyball year
  5. I will   get on my many birthday      



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