porfavor ayuda super urgente ingles
Respuestas a la pregunta
Respuesta: 1. to (próximo a) 2. mustn't (prohibited) 3. donate (hacer una donación) 5. can't (it's impossible) 6. make (collocation = make a difference) 8. congestion (atasco) 9. must (deduction) or can't (impossibility) 11. responsibility 12. find (encontrar) 13. awareness (concienciación) 14. gave (collocation = gave a speech) 15. warming (calentamiento) 16. can't (impossibility) 18. should (advice) 19. are (different thing, not united) 21. don't have to (it's not necessary to) 22. broke out (estalló) 23. has (as a single collective noun doing the same thing) 24. The news are (plural noun) 25. organization 26. shouldn't (advice to prevent doing something)
Explicación: Si necesitas más mi ayuda, estoy disponible en superprof y tusclasesparticulares. Soy Josep Navarro Besalduch. Saludo y ¡ánimo! :-)