Inglés, pregunta formulada por aztremijo09, hace 6 meses

porfavor ayuda
1. Read the story and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
One Sunday evening, my best friends, Mary, Sandy, Den, Polly and I _________(decide) to spend our weekend in my country house. There _________(be) a bad storm outside, so we _________(stay) at home, sitting together in a circle next to the fireplace.
Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind _________(break) the silence. The lights _________(flicker) and then _________(go) out altogether. “What was that?” Polly asked. “I guess, it’s just a power cut”, Mary _________ (reassure) me. We _________(carry) on laughing and sharing stories in the dark. After a while, we _________(see) a bright flash of lightning that _________(light) up the room. We _________(hear) a strange noise coming from another room. It was a secret room. Daddy _________(forbid) to enter it. Sandy _________(cry), “Den is missing.”
No one _________(know) where Den can be. We _________(feel) confused and scared. Polly was pale and frightened. She _________(jump) to her feet and _________(head) to the secret room. Suddenly, the door _________(open) on its own. Polly _________(stop) moving. Then she _________(come) into the room and disappeared.
Five minutes later we _________(catch) a whisper and then a laughter. We _________(rush) into the room. Den _________(sit) up sleepily, looking bewildered at us. “Oh, I just _________(fall) asleep. I _________(not/want) to be tripped over, so I _________(sneak) into that room.”
We _________(be) relieved and happy. Besides, we _________(find) a lot of interesting things in daddy’s secret room: old books, souvenirs, ancient vases, manuscripts. We _________(make) a great discovery that day. (John, 13)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por cristina356


1. decided

2. was

3. stayed

4. broke

5. flickered

6. went

7. reassured

8. carried

9. saw

10. lighted

11. heard

12. forbaden

13. cried

14. knew

15. felt

16. jumped

17. headed

18. opened

19. stoped

20. came

21. caught

22. rushed

23. sat

24. fell

25. didnt want

26. sneaked

27. was

28. found

29. made

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