Inglés, pregunta formulada por 0983743403kathe, hace 16 horas

PORFAVOOR FILL IN THE BLANKS: complete these sentences with the correct verbal tenses. conditionals .1. Unless you ………………………… (give) me directions, I ……………………………… (not know) how to get to your house tonight. 2. If you …………………………… (not give) me directions, I ……………………………… (not know) how to get to your house last Friday. 3. English is essential for us. All our employees speak it fluently. If they ........................……. (not speak) English, we ........................................ (not hire) them. 4. Kevin caught the bus on time, but if he ……………………… (miss) the bus, he ………………………. (be) late for his appointment. 5. I have to go to the store now. If you …………………… (tell) me what you need, I ……………………. (get) it too, so you won’t have to go out. 6. Be careful! You ............................. (get) pneumonia if you .......................... (not change) your wet clothes. 7. If it ………………… (rain) tomorrow, we ……………………. (cancel) the game but the weather forecast says sunny weather all day 8. …………………… (not complain) about it if you …………………….. (not be) completely sure you didn´t do it the wrong way. 9. The basket tickets were all sold out. If there ………………… (be) a ticket available, I ……………………… (buy) it. 10. That new restaurant is terrible! If I ……………….. (be) you, I …………………. (cancel) your reservation. 11. She ………………..……. (be) hurt in the car accident if she ……………………… (not wear) her seat belt. 12. If I .......................... (be) wrong, I ....................................(apologize), but I´m sure I´m right. 13. If she ………………….………. (not normally drive) in such a hurry, she …………..…….……. (not drive) through a red light last Thursday. 14. If you still ............................... (not feel) well, ............................ (go) to the doctor right away. 15. If you .............................. (store) that liquid in the fridge, it .......................... (turn) to ice in some minutes. 16. You ………………………….. (not be) in such an embarrassing situation now if you …………………… (tell) the truth last night.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por itspaularey
give, wont know, don’t give, didn’t know, don’t speak, don’t hire, missed, would’ve been, tell, will get, will get, don’t change, rains, will cancel, don’t complain, aren’t, were, would, was, would, was, didn’t wear, am, apologize, didn’t normally drive
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