porfa necesito ayuda con esta guía porfa doy estrellita al que tenga mejor respuesta
_no es traducir_ es responder
porfa se les agradece
Respuestas a la pregunta
Choose the correct expression from the chart to complete the sentences.
therefore as a consequence so that (x4)
such an accent that such a (x2) for me to
1. He was _such a__ good pianist that everybody thought he was a professional. In fact, he
2. He was speeding and driving carelessly, therefore_____ he was arrested by the police and
3. That lecture was too confused __for me to__ understand anything. I gave up listening after
twenty minutes.
4. The young girl was __such a___ good singer that everybody had tears in their eyes.
5. She didn't do what she had promised, and _as a consequence____, she disappointed everyone around
6. If she had worn gloves, she wouldn't have left her fingerprints everywhere, _therefore____
she wouldn't have been arrested .
7. The air traffic controllers were on strike _as a consequence____ many foreign lecturers arrived late
at the symposium.
8. He was whispering, _therefore____ you had to be both silent and careful to hear what he
was saying...
9. Young Marcel spoke with _such an accent that____ everyone could hear he was from the South of France!
10. The baby was sick when I had just changed him and was cuddling him. _sl that____, I
comforted him and changed him entirely again and then,... I changed myself!
Pd: Esto es en lo que te puedo ayudar, ojalá te sirva!!