Inglés, pregunta formulada por erickmera2005, hace 16 horas

porfa ayuda ACTIVIDAD 2.- Escriba 5 oraciones en afirmativas, 5 en negativas y 5 en preguntas con el auxiliar WILL correctamente. Use las pistas dadas.

Watch a nice movie Drive an old car Do homework

Clean the room Brush the teeth Build a house

Sing an English song Play football Search the Internet

Draw a big picture Swim in the river Eat a sandwich

Sleep very late Call a friend Drink water

Take a shower Cut some color papers Speak English

Write a new letter Smile this week Run in the park

Ride on bike Buy at the mall Have a pet

Affirmative sentences with WILL

1. I will buy at the mall.

2. _________________________________________________________.

3. _________________________________________________________.

4. _________________________________________________________.

5. _________________________________________________________.

6. _________________________________________________________.

Negative sentences with WON¨T

1. I won´t build a house.

2. _________________________________________________________.

3. _________________________________________________________.

4. _________________________________________________________.

5. _________________________________________________________.

6. _________________________________________________________.

Questions with WILL

1. Will I speak English?

2. _________________________________________________________?

3. _________________________________________________________?

4. _________________________________________________________?

5. _________________________________________________________?

6. _________________________________________________________?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por compumex7


son imformaciones enformativa pero tienes que leer bien y hay te da las pistas


espero averte ayudado <3

Otras preguntas