Inglés, pregunta formulada por salcedojonathan1614, hace 2 meses

por favor si te ayuda​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


1. Write the past participle forms of these Verbs.


write - written

buy - bought

arrive - arrived

do - done

watch - watched

take - taken

Fly - flown

listen - listened

swim - swum

carry - carried

talk - talked

tidy - tidied

2. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect.

She has just made a pie.

Mickey has just kissed Minnie.

I have already bought a tractor.

It hasn't eaten the bone yet.

Has he ever done a magic trick?

He has never passed his exams.

We haven't ridden our bikes for a long time.

Have you ever seen a dragon?

El Presente Perfecto se forma con los auxiliares Have / Has + Verbo en Participio Pasado.

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