Inglés, pregunta formulada por castanedalara41, hace 27 días

Por favor ayudame te doy corona, corazón y estrella, LO NECESITO PARA HOY si no repruebo la materia por favor alguien ayúdeme

Passive progressive

Subject + be + being + past participle verb

Complete the sentences in present progressive passive using the verbs in parentheses

21. The road ____________________ (repair)

22. His clothes ___________________ (iron)

23. The song ____________________ (listen)

24. Your coffee ___________________ (made)

25. The threes ____________________ (plant)

Complete the sentences in past progressive passive using the verbs in parentheses.

26. The stone _____________________ (throw)

27. The TV ________________________ (watch)

28. The meat ______________________ (cook)

29. The flowers ____________________ (plant)

30. She __________________________ (teach) ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por isibressi

21. The road is being repaired
22. His clothes are being ironed
23. The song is being listened
24. Your coffee is being maden
25. The trees are being planted
26. The stone is being threw
27. The tv is being watched
28. The meat is being cooked
29. The flowers are being planted
30. She is being taught

Espero que te sirva :)
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