Inglés, pregunta formulada por linarodriguez77, hace 1 mes

1. Fill in the blanks with the affirmative or negative form of the future simple of the verbs
in brackets.

a) I think I _____ (be) accepted in this university, because I am a very.
b) I _____ (go) travel abroad this summer, because I don't have any money.
c) in 2050, most people ____(own) a robot.
d) I think he ____ (be) elected president, because he got a lot of votes.
e) The phone is ringing. I _____ (answer) it.
f) _____ (she/pass) the exam?. ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


Fill in the blanks with the affirmative or negative form of the Future Simple of the verbs in brackets.

a. will be

b. won't go

c. will own

d. will be

e. will answer

f. Will she pass


El Futuro Simple con Will - Won't . Usamos «Will» para expresar una promesa, una predicción o algo que se quiere hacer en el futuro. Won't o Will not es su forma negativa.

Estructura Gramatical de Futuro Simple.

Sujeto + Will + Verbo en infinitivo ( sin to ) + Complemento.

Sujeto + Won't + Verbo en infinitivo + Complemento.

linarodriguez77: Me puedes ayudar en otras? :)
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