Inglés, pregunta formulada por Msgatonega, hace 6 meses

por favor ayuda son los últimos puntos que tengo no envíen cualquier cosa por favor


Msgatonega: por favor ayúdenme
Msgatonega: solo la B y C
Msgatonega: YO LLA HISE LA A Y LA D
Tanysha18: voy a ver amiko, talvez te pueda ayudar

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por cs030649



1) I am going

2) He is riding

3) We are playing

4) She isn´t singing

5) They aren´t running

6) It isn´t crying

7) Are you swimming

8) Is she sitting

9) Is he smiling


1) She is jumping very high

2) He is listening to music in his room.

3) They are painting a portrait

4) I am cleaning a window.

5) Paula and Tim are dancing.

6) The bird is flying.

7) Our friends are not swinging. (aren´t) es lo mismo que are not pero abreviado.

8) My daddy isn´t reading a newspaper.

9) I am not eating a sandwich.

10) Our parents are watching TV.

11) He  isn´t walking his dog.

12) Is he throwing a ball?

13) Is she knitting a sweater?

14) Are you climbing a mountain?

15) Is yur grandpa fishing?

16) Is it running very fast?


1) IS

2) ARE

3) AM

4) ARE

5) ARE

6) IS

7) AM

8) ARE

9) IS

10) IS

11) AM

12) ARE

13) ARE

14) ARE

15) IS



1) They are singing.

2) It is sleeping

3) He is driving a truck.

4) He is sleeping.

5) They are flying.

6) She is singing.

7) She is talking on the phone.

8) She is asking for silence.

9) She is feeding the birds

10) It is singing.

11) He is mocking a girl.

12) She is crying.

13) He is taking the drums

14) He is playing the trumpet.

15) He is swimming.

16) They are drinking water.

17) He is running.

18) He is playing football.

19) She is cradling a baby.

20) He is taking a photo.

21) She is playing with a teddy.

22) He is riding a rocking horse.

23) He is diging a hole.


Espero te ayude :3

Pero te recomiendo que trates de hacerlo tu mismo primero y luego compares, así aprenderas

Msgatonega: gracias bro
Msgatonega: es que me atrase
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