Inglés, pregunta formulada por bokunohero, hace 8 meses

Por favor ayuda :'( ​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por gabserlab

Se completan las oraciones con los adjetivos en los paréntesis con las terminaciones correctas (-ed / -ing):

  1. Sophie was really annoyed with her sister for teasing her. (annoy)
  2. The film we watched last weekend was truly annoying. (annoy)
  3. Mona Lisa’s smile is quite intriguing. (intrigue)
  4. Peter felt embarrassed about his misbehaviour. (embarrass)
  5. Your remarks were insulting. You should apologize! (insult)
  6. These numbers on teen’s alcohol addiction are rather disturbing (disturb)
  7. Don’t be frightened! It’s not going to hurt! (frighten)
  8. This has been the most frightening moment of my life! (frighten)
  9. Sometimes people feel a compelled need to eat chocolate. (compel)
  10. Susie felt rather frustrated with her performance. (frustrate)
  11. It’s really frustrating when we don’t achieve our goals! (frustrate)
  12. It’s freezing cold in this room! Haven’t they got central heating? (freeze)
  13. I feel relaxed when I listen to classical music. (relax)
  14. Listening to classical music is quite relaxing. (relax)
  15. Ben didn’t understand the teacher’s question. He looked puzzled. (puzzle)
  16. Puzzling subjects are the most challenging. (puzzle)
  17. They gave me a warm welcoming hug! (welcome)
  18. There was a quite tempting chocolate cake on the table. (tempt)
  19. These days children’s games are more entertaining.(entertain)
  20. The last week was extremely exhausting for me. (exhaust)
  21. I felt completely exhausted this week. (exhaust)
  22. The pupils were pleased with the test result. (please)
  23. The test result were pleasing for both pupils and teacher. (please)
  24. I am truly astounded by your attitude. (astound)
  25. Your attitude is quite astounding! You should be more careful. (astound)
  26. 26. I am truly astounded by your attitude. (astound)
  27. The final exam result were rather disappointing. (disappoint)
  28. Pupils get disappointed very easily.(disappoint)
  29. I won't answer that! Your question is truly insulting. (insult)
  30. Are you bored with your job? (bore)
  31. I think my job is not at all boring! I love it. (bore)

¿Cómo se usan los adjetivos que terminan en -ed y -ing?

  • Los adjetivos que terminan en -ed generalmente describen como nos sentimos, es decir expresan emociones.
  • Los adjetivos que terminan en -ing  generalmente describen las cosas o situaciones que nos causan las emociones.

Para aprender más sobre los adjetivos en inglés en: y


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