Podrian hacer un dialogo en ingles, el lugar seria el zoologico, habrian tres estudiantes y un guia turistico. cada estudiante preguntaria sobre un animal y el guia les daria informacion sobre ellos ( usar relative clauses ) con poca info por fas es para mñn :'v
Respuestas a la pregunta
Zoo keeper : Good morning everyone! We are in the London Zoo. We will be looking at all the different animals in the zoo. If you have any questions please ask.
Paul: Excuse me, I am really interested in tigers. Are we going to see them today ?
Zoo keeper: Well, it depends on which tigers you want to see. At the moment we only have two Bengal tigers to see.
Paul: Wow, that is really fantastic!
Gloria: Aren't they in danger of extinction ?
Sofia: Yes, I think they are the ones which could disappear if we don't take any action.
Zookeeper: I see you know about these tigers. We also have other species which are in danger of extinction as well.
Sofia: Could you tell us which ones ?
Zookeeper: Yes, we have two panda bears here as well.
Gloria: Really, they are my favourite animals. Have they adapted well in England ?
Zookeeper: Yes, they are very resilient animals which adapt well to different climates.
Sofia: Are there tortoises in the zoo ?
Zookeeper: Yes, there are tortoises that are over 300 hundred years old.
Sofia: That's amazing ! Could we see them first.
Zookeeper: Don't worry ! We'll have time to see all your favourite animals and more.
Al crear un dialogo en ingles sobre el zoológico debes establecer sobre que animales deseas hablar.
¿Qué es un dialogo?
Un dialogo hace referencia a una forma de comunicación verbal donde dos o más personas intercambian información con la finalidad de transmitir un mensaje.
Dialogo sobre el zoológico
Zoo keeper: Good morning students, today we are at the zoo. Any questions?
Juan: Where are the lions?
Zoo keeper: We can see them in the area of wild animals.
José: Which animals are extinct?
Zoo keeper: Some of the ones we can see are pandas and elephants.
Laura: What eat the horses?
Zoo keeper: Horses eat grass, apples and carrots.
Conoce más sobre diálogos en ingles aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/10985165