Inglés, pregunta formulada por dr021317, hace 5 meses

Perdon por tanta pregunta pero mi hija tiene clases de ingles y no le entiende muy bien y yo menos por eso acudo a ustedes que saben de todo gracias de antemano.

What ________ you do after class?
a) are
b) do
c) does

Maggie ________ in an office, she’s an accountant.
a) work
g) oes
c) works

Mervyn works in an office. He sales plane tickets. He's a __________.
a) cashier
b) flight attendant
c) travel agent

My friend works in a ________. He paints pictures. He’s an artist.
a) studio
b) office
c) classroom

Sally and I work in the entertainment business. We ________ the same instrument. We're musicians.
a) have
b) play
c) practice

I work in a department store. I attend customers. I’m a __________.
a) security guard
b) social media assistant
c) salesperson

Alex is a mechanic. He ________ cars. He works in a garage.
a) rents
b) fixes
c) drives

My parents get home from work ________ the evening, but my brother gets home ________ nine or ten PM.
a) ... early... late...
b) ... after... at...
c) ... in... around...

________ weekends I sleep late, but from Monday to Friday I have to get up ________ .
a) In... late
b) On... early
c) At... until

I get up ______ 7:30 A.M. and I attend all my classes during the day, then I do my homework, and finally I go to bed ______ midnight.
a) ... around... in...
b) ... at... until...
c) ... after... on...

My sister works in a bank. She has breakfast ______ she goes to work, and she eats lunch ______ she gets home.
a) ... before... until...
b) ... around... late...
c) ... early... after...

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por albertocamiloercilia


are'work,casheier,Studio,práctica,securiti guarda,dices,in late,after on,early after

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