Inglés, pregunta formulada por DaiAye21, hace 6 meses


0.Complete where corresponding

1. We____our lesson 15 minutes ago.
2. My parents_______long hours last week.
3.I ______to the park yesterday.
4______you_______computer games last weekend
5. Mum________delicious dinner yesterday.
6I _______TV last night.
7. Tom______his hair two days ago.

8. The baby_____ last night
9. We________our breakfast ten minutes ago.
10. My older brother_______
in the ocean last summer.
11.we _______the party last Saturday.
12.I___________to music yesterday.
your grandparents last weekend?
14I___________my mum in the kitchen yesterday
15. We________abroad last summer
16. We__________
a new dish in that new restaurant last Sunday
your birthday present last year?
18.______your friend_______in the Alps last winter?
19.I__________the computer to do my homework yesterday
20. Somebody__________
the windowa an hour ago.
palabras para responder:
-not walk.
-not watch.
-not enjoy.
-not travel.
me ayudan pls es oara hoy antes de las 4:00 p.m. (México)​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por xhslindey


1. started

2. worked

3. didn't walk

4. Did you play?

5. cooked

6. didn't watch

7. washed

8. cried

9. finished

10. surfed

11. didn't enjoy

12. listened

13. did you visit?

14. helped

15. didn't travel

16. tried

17. did you like?

18. did your friend ski?

19 . used

20. opened

Contestado por mjvo95

El pasado simple habla de acciones que ya terminaron.

Pasado Simple.

El pasado simple se usa para hablar de acciones culminadas en el  pasado.

Su estructura es:

  • Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento.

  1. We started our lesson 15 minutes ago.
  2. My parents worked long hours last week.
  3. I  didn't walk to the park yesterday.
  4. Did you play computer games last weekend
  5. Mum cooked delicious dinner yesterday.
  6. I didn't watch TV last night.
  7. Tom washed his hair two days ago.
  8. The baby cried last night
  9. We finished our breakfast ten minutes ago.
  10. My older brother surfed in the ocean last summer.
  11. We didn't enjoy the party last Saturday.
  12. I listened to music yesterday.
  13. Did you buy your grandparents last weekend?
  14. I helped my mum in the kitchen yesterday
  15. We didn't travel abroad last summer
  16. We tried a new dish in that new restaurant last Sunday
  17. Did you liked your birthday present last year?
  18. Did your friend ski in the Alps last winter?
  19. I used the computer to do my homework yesterday
  20. Somebody opened the windows an hour ago.

Puedes ver más del pasado simple aquí

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