Pasar Estos Adjetivos A Comparativos Y Superlativos
Respuestas a la pregunta
| Palabra | Comparativo | Superlativo
- Funny: Funnier - The funniest
- Dangerous: More dangerous - The most dangerous
- Lazy: Lazier - The laziest
- Helpful: More helpful - The most helpful
- Kind: Kinder - The kindest
- Heavy: Heavier - Heaviest
- Interesting: More interesting - The most interesting
- Elegant: More elegant - The most elegant
- Sad: Sadder - The saddest
- Lovely: Lovelier - The loveliest
- Delicious: More delicious - The most delicious
- Cold: Colder - The coldest
- Expensive: More expensive - The most expensive
- Cheap: Cheaper - The cheapest
- Busy: Busier - The busiest
- Bad: Worse - The worst
- High: Higher - The highest
- Strong: Stronger - The strongest
¡Saludos! ( ^◡^ )
1C. Funnier than
1S. The funniest
2C. More dangerous than
2S. The most dangerous
3C. Lazier than
3S. The laziest
4C. More helpful than
4S. The most helpful
5C. Kinder than
5S. The kindest
6C. Heavier than
6S. The heaviest
7C. More interesting than
7S. The most interesting
8C. More elegant than
8S. The most elegant
9C. Sadder than
9S. The saddest
10C. Lovelier than
10S. The loveliest
11C. More delicious than
11S. The most delicious
12C. Colder than
12S. The coldest
13C. More expensive than
13S. The most expensive
14C. Cheaper than
14S. The cheapest
15C. Busier than
15S. The busiest
16C. Worse than
16S. The worst
17C. Higher than
17S. The highest
18C. Stronger than
18S. The strongest