Inglés, pregunta formulada por rodrijht, hace 1 mes

Pasado perfecto
By the time I went over to help her, she _____________ almost all the berries in the bucket *

Opción 1
had put
had putted

Jose ______________ tennis for ages, when she won her fist tournament *

had played
had play

He _______________ yo ask her to marry him for ages, when he finally found the courage to do so *

had planned
had plan

When I came to the beach, the life guard told me that she had been watching the swimmers all morning, but luckily, so far nobody ______________ in real danger *

had been
not been

Yesterday afternoon Betsy felt quite annoyed. By the time her favorite TV show started, she ______________ half her work, so she could not watch the show *

had not do
had not done

She ______________ washing the floors, but then suddenly lost her balance and fell badly *

had almost finished

When we found him, he ______________ asleep. He had been waiting for us for too long. *

already fallen
had already fallen
had already

At around one o’clock the busker had been playing his guitar for hours, but he _____________enough money to buy lunch *

had earn
had not earned

When I visited my friend the other day, she was busy cleaning up because she _____________ a glass *

had drop
had dropped

When the waiter finally arrived with the food, the guests __________ the restaurant *

had already left
had already

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por InvisibleVioleta

Hola, Rodrijht:


PAST PERFECT: Choose the right form of the verbs.

1. By the time I went over to help her, she had put almost all the berries in the bucket.

had put ✔️

• had putted

➺ Cuando me acerqué a ayudarla, ella ya había puesto casi todas las bayas en el cubo.

2. Jose❌ _____________ tennis for ages[,]❌ when she won her fist❌ tournament.

had played ✔️

• had play

• played

✦ Josie had played tennis for ages when she won her first tournament.  

➺ Josie había jugado jugado al tenis por años cuando ganó su primer torneo.  


1. Cuando las subordinadas adverbiales (como la introducida por 'when' en este caso) están al final de la oración, no se separan con una coma de la oración principal.

2. 'Jose' es un nombre masculino, que no concuerda con el pronombre femenino 'she' (= ella) usado en la oración. Por lo tanto, hay un error en el nombre (que debe ser 'Josie' en vez de 'Jose') o en el pronombre (que debe ser 'he' en vez de 'she').

3. 'Fist' significa 'puño'. No tiene sentido en esta oración, por lo que la palabra correcta debe ser 'first' (= primer).

3. He _____________ to ask her to marry him for ages[,]❌ when he finally found the courage to do so.

• planned

• had planned ✔️

• had plan

✦ He had planned to ask her to marry him for ages when he finally found the courage to do so.

➺ Él había planeado por años pedirle a ella que se casara con él, cuando por fin encontró el valor para hacerlo.

NOTA: Ver la nota 1 de la oración anterior.

4. When I came to the beach, the [life guard]❌ told me that she had been watching the swimmers all morning, but luckily, so far nobody _____________ in real danger.

had been ✔️

• been

• not been

When I came to the beach, the lifeguard told me that she had been watching the swimmers all morning, but luckily, so far nobody had been in real danger.

➺ Cuando llegué a la playa, la guardavidas me dijo que había estado mirando a los bañistas toda la mañana, pero que por suerte, hasta el momento nadie había estado en verdadero peligro.

NOTA: 'Lifeguard' es una palabra compuesta cuyas dos partes se escriben unidas.  

5. Yesterday afternoon Betsy felt quite annoyed. By the time her favorite TV show started, she had not done half her work, so she could not watch the show.

• done

• had not do

had not done ✔️

➺ Ayer por la tarde Betsy se sintió bastante molesta. Cuando empezó su programa de televisión favorito, no había hecho ni la mitad de su trabajo, así que no pudo mirar el programa.

6. She had almost finished washing the floors, but then suddenly lost her balance and fell badly.

• finished

had almost finished ✔️

• had

➺ Ella casi había terminado de lavar los pisos, pero de repente perdió el equilibrio y se cayó mal.

7. When we found him, he had already fallen asleep. He had been waiting for us for too long.

• already fallen

had already fallen ✔️

• had already

➺ Cuando lo encontramos, él ya se había quedado dormido. Había estado mucho tiempo esperándonos.

8. At around one o’clock, the busker had been playing his guitar for hours, but he had not earned enough money to buy lunch.

• earned

• had earn

had not earned ✔️

➺ A eso de la una, el músico callejero había estado horas tocando su guitarra, pero no había ganado suficiente dinero para comprar el almuerzo.

9. When I visited my friend the other day, she was busy cleaning up because she had dropped a glass.

• had drop

• dropped

had dropped ✔️

➺ Cuando visité a mi amiga el otro día, ella estaba ocupada limpiando porque se le había caído un vaso.

10. When the waiter finally arrived with the food, the guests had already left the restaurant.

had already left ✔️

• had already

• left

➺ Cuando por fin llegó el/la camarero(a) con la comida, los invitados/huéspedes ya se habían ido del restaurante.



➜ Este tiempo verbal se usa para referirse a acciones pasadas que sucedieron antes de otra acción pasada, que generalmente se expresa en 'past simple'.

➜ Para formar el 'past perfect' se deben usar el auxiliar HAD (cualquiera sea el sujeto) y el participio pasado del verbo principal.

Estas son todas las estructuras.

Affirmative form:

[̲̅+̲̅] Sujeto + auxiliar HAD + participio pasado + complementos

Negative form:

[̲̅–̲̅] Sujeto + auxiliar HAD + NOT + participio pasado + complementos

[̲̅–̲̅] Sujeto + contracción HADN'T + participio pasado + complementos

Interrogative form:

Yes/No questions:

[̲̅?̲̅] Auxiliar HAD + sujeto + participio pasado + complementos + ?  


[̲̅?̲̅] Wh-word + auxiliar HAD + sujeto + participio pasado + complementos + ?  


• Si el verbo es regular, el participio pasado se forma añadiendo el sufijo '-ed'/'-d' a la forma base (= infinitivo) del verbo.

• Si el verbo es irregular, no tiene un patrón fijo.☹️ Hay que aprender el participio pasado de memoria, o buscar su forma en un diccionario o en una tabla de verbos (tercera columna).  

Saludos.  ✨


denissescedeno3: hola amiga violeta❤ me puedes ayudar en español el tema es los conectores, me puedes decir si me puedes ayudar porfavor y gracias.
denissescedeno3: ya publiqué la tarea me puedes ayudar porfavor❤
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