Inglés, pregunta formulada por micaela78, hace 1 año

partes de cuepo en ingles plisss
completas xfis

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por luisyalme121311
Inglés Head Chest Arm Leg Hand Foot Ear Eye Mouth Nose Eyelash/eyelashes Eyebrow Cheek Forehead Nail/nails Knuckles Chin Hair Elbow/elbows Wrist/wrists Ankle/ankles Thumb finger Pointer finger Middle finger Ring finger Pinky finger Shoulder/shoulders Knee/knees Neck Breast/breasts Buttocks Thigh/thighs Bellybutton Stomach/abdomen/belly Back Scalp Lips Tooth/teeth Tongue Armpit/armpits Palm/palms Forearm/forearms Toe/toes Finger/fingers Freckles Moles Hip Heel/ heels Sole Throat Groin Adam’s apple Jaw Waist Fist Dimple Brain Bone/bones Blood Eyelid/eyelids Muscle/muscles Calf Skin Skeleton Heart Liver Lung Wisdom teeth

y esta esta en español  ---------------------------------------------------- Español Cabeza  = head  Pecho  Brazo/brazos Pierna/piernas Mano/manos Pie Oreja/orejas (Oído/oídos) Ojo/ojos Boca Nariz Pestaña/pestañas Ceja/cejas Cachete/cachetes Frente Uña/uñas Nudillos Quijada Pelo Codo/codos Muñeca/muñecas Tobillo/tobillos Pulgar Índice Dedo medio Anular Meñique Hombro/hombros Rodilla/rodillas Cuello Mama/mamas (pecho | pechos; seno/senos) Nalgas Muslo/muslos Ombligo Estómago/abdomen Espalda Cuero cabelludo Labios Diente/dientes Lengua (Underarm/underarms) Axila/axilas Palma de mano/palmas de manos Antebrazo Dedo del pie Dedo de la mano Pecas Lunares Cadera Talón del pie/talones Suelo(planta) del pie Garganta Ingle Manzanade Adån Mandíbula Cintura Puño Hoyuelo (hoyitos) Cerebro Hueso/huesos Sangre Párpado/párpados Músculo/músculos Pantorilla Piel Esqueleto Corazón Hígado Pulmón Cordales / deintes del juicio

micaela78: garacias te agradesco mucho
Contestado por Danyeny
Hola espero te sirva
HeadThe mouth: This is where food enters our body.The eyebrow: They are located on the forehead, over the eyes, are formed by hairs or small hairs.The nostril: These are two of these 'holes' in the nose.The cheek: is part of the skin of the face or face.The chin / The chin: Lower part of the face. It is under the mouth.The nose: It is where the air enters the body, you can smell the food and it is over the mouth. Here is the sense of smell.The eyes: They are where you look, they are in the face or face and there is the sense of vision.The ear: Organs that are on the two sides of the head and serves to listen (to hear) sounds.Other parts of the headThe head: It is the upper part of our body where the brain is.The neck: It is the union of the head with the body.Teeth: They are inside the mouth and are for cutting food.The forehead: It is the upper part of the face.The throat: It is the conduit through which food passes to the stomach.The language: It is the organ where we have the sense of taste. Used to lick and articulate words.The molars: They are inside the mouth at the top and bottom; And are for grinding / grinding food.The eyelids: External cover of the eyes, open and close to lubricate the eye.Eyelashes: They are hairs that are on the eyelids and serve to protect the eye.The face: It is where the mouth, the nose, the eyes, the forehead, etc. The front part of the head.ArmForearm: It is part of the arm and is where we have muscles.The arm: upper extremity of the body.The elbow: joint of the middle part of the arm.The fingers are five in each hand. They are for manipulating more accurately objects and tools.The shoulder: is the part where the arms are connected with the body.The wrist: connects the arm with the hand. Articulation that allows the mobility of the hand.The palm: inner part of the hand and where the fingers are born.The hand and fingers1. The hand: part of the upper limbs used to manipulate objects.2. The thumb: big toe3. The index finger: finger to indicate4. The middle finger / finger (of the heart): the finger is longer than the rest5. The ring finger: it is the finger where we put the rings6. The little finger: it is the smallest finger of the hand7. The nail: it is a hard and semitransparent tissue that covers the tip of each finger8. The knuckle: it is part of the bones of the hand from where the fingers are born
The leg and the footThe cock: (or shin) front of the leg that is under the knee.The toe: are five fingers on each foot and are to maintain the balance of the body.The thigh: large muscle that surrounds the femur in the upper legThe foot: the lower part of the legs and with which we touch the groundThe leg: lower extremity of the body with which we mobilize.The knee: middle joint of the leg.The ankle: lower leg joint that connects to the foot and gives mobility.The heel: lower back of the foot.Internal organsSpleen: Destroys old red blood cells.The brain: It is where you create the thoughts, it is in your head.The heart: The muscle that pumps blood to the entire body.The stomach: It is the place where food is processed before being digested.The liver: It is responsible for eliminating substances that may be harmful from the blood.The pancreas: Segregates digestive enzymes and produces hormones like insulin.The lungs: (sing - lung) When you breathe the air enters these organs.Kidneys: (sing - kidney) They filter blood and remove waste through urine.The bladder: A "bag" in which urine is deposited in the kidneys.The bonesThe vertebral column: Structure of vertebrae that keep the human body erect.The ribs: They are the bones that protect the organs of the chest like the lungs and the heart.The skull: Bone that protects the brain.The skeleton: Hard structure of the bones of the body.The femur: It is the longest bone of the human body, it is in the leg.Bones: It is the hardest part of the human body.The vertebrae: Bones that form the spine.Other parts of the bodyArteries: These are the major routes that carry blood from the heart to all parts of the body and vice versa.The armpit: It is at the bottom between the arm and the trunk.The hip: It is the lower part of the waist and defines the middle part between the thorax and the legs.The waist: It is the part where the lower limbs begin.The back: Back of the chest.Muscles: They are the ones that perform the actions programmed by the brain in each of the parts of the body.The navel: Closed duct where the human was fed before being born.The chest: It is the front of the chest and it protects the heart.The skin: It is the rec
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