Inglés, pregunta formulada por dcastanedaochoa, hace 8 meses

para hoy xd

1 My brother wants to be a fire (a fighter b engine c alarm). ____

2 I (a finished b finish c am finished) work very late yesterday. ____
3 When the police arrived, (a they b it c he) rushed into the house. ____
4 My birthday’s in (a ninth b February c Monday), not March. ____
5 30 Jan = (a the thirtieth of b the thirteenth of c thirty) January. ____
6 Look at those (a fires engine b fire engines c engines of fire)! ____
7 John (a phones b was phoning c phoned) four times last night. ____
8 I arrived at 6 p.m. My brother (a arrived b arrives c he arrived) at 9.30. ____
9 There was a burglar in our flat last night, (a when b because c and) we phoned
999. ____
10 ‘When’s the meeting?’ ‘It’s (a on the b on c at the) third of June.’ ____
11 My father’s a police (a officer b – c office). ____
12 Paramedics help people after an (a ambulance b accident c alarm). ____
13 I stayed in yesterday (a but b because c or) I wanted to watch football. ____
14 Next Saturday is (a the fourth of b fourth c the four) July. ____
15 It’s the (a twenty b twenty-two c twenty-second) of September. ____
16 We moved away from the building when the alarm (a sound b sounded ____
c sounds).
17 The music finally (a stop b stopped c do stop) at 3 a.m. ____
18 My wife (a is organizing b organizes c organized) a party for me last year._____
19 We (a watching b watch c watched) TV for six hours yesterday evening. _____
20 ‘Have we got a (a first aid b first kit c first aid kit)?’ ‘Yes, we have.’ ____

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por magcmariale202


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. C

10. A

11. A

12. B

13. B

14. C

15. B

16. A

17. B

18. C

19. C

20. C



magcmariale202: DAME PUNTOS WE
Contestado por Anaaaaaaaz
La 1 es fighter
2 finished
3 they
4 February
6 fire engines
7 was phoning
8 arrived
9 and
10 at the
11 officer
12 accident
14 fourth
15 twenty two
16 sounded
17 stopped
18 organized
19 watched
20 first aid kit
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