Inglés, pregunta formulada por jaravasquezbenjamin, hace 4 meses

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I think the Internet (1) the ever greatest is invention. Think how it has changed the world. So much information is out there. (2) life my changed totally has It. I can chat with friends, download music, buy books and get all the info I need for my homework. (3) took It any do to weeks or days of these things before the Internet.
I spend hours every day online. (4)I long too little a spend I think. I’m sure (5) a screen day at computer all staring isn’t good for my eyes. I think it’s also making me fat. I need to exercise a little more. The only thing (6) don’t I Internet the about like is that it can be dangerous. (7)I my putting like really don’t personal information online, especially on (8) like networking Facebook sites social.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MysteryChoco

Respuesta: I think the Internet (1) is the greatest invention ever. Think how it has changed the world. So much information is out there. (2) It has totally changed my life. I can chat with friends, download music, buy books and get all the info I need for my homework. (3)It took days or weeks to do any of these things before the Internet.

I spend hours every day online. (4)I spend a little too long I think. I’m sure (5)staring at a computer screen all day isn’t good for my eyes. I think it’s also making me fat. I need to exercise a little more. The only thing (6) I don’t like about the Internet is that it can be dangerous. (7)I really don’t like putting my personal information online, especially on (8) social networking sites like Facebook.


jaravasquezbenjamin: gracias
MysteryChoco: No me diste coronita. :( El otro se equivoco en unas cosas. Pero bueno, a lo mejor tu maestra es pesima al revisar y te va bien! Suerte!
Contestado por pleasekillmyboredom


1. Is the greatest invention ever

2. It totally has changed my mind

3. It took weeks or days to do any of these things before the internet

4. I think I spend a little too long. I'm sure.

5. All day staring at a computer screen isn't good for my eyes.

6. I don't like about the internet is that it can be dangerous

7. I really don't like putting personal information online, especially on

8. Social networking sites like Facebook


Hay muchas oraciones que no están mal pero que como tal en una conversación, una persona normal no diría, por ejemplo nadie dice "Social networking sites" sólo dices "social media", en la 6 le falta el what al principio para que se entienda, y en la 7 no sería putting sería algo como, exposing

jaravasquezbenjamin: Te pasaste muchas gracias
MysteryChoco: El numero 5 no esta correcto. "All day" va después de "screen". En español si decimos "todo el dia viendo la pantalla" pero en ingles es al revés. "computer screen all day". Yo estudie en Estados Unidos. Ademas en el 6 no necesito el "what" debido al contexto de la oración.
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