Oraciones negativas con el verbo speack en presente progresivo
Respuestas a la pregunta
1. I'm not speaking Spanish.
2. He isn't speaking with her wife.
3. She's not speaking about her topic.
4. We're not speaking in Germany.
5. They aren't speaking anything in this conversation.
William is a polyglot and can speak 12 languages.
William es un políglota y sabe hablar 12 idiomas.
I will remain silent until they ask me to speak.
Voy a permanecer en silencio hasta que me pidan que hable.
Everybody could speak English, so we did not need the interpreter.
Todos hablaban inglés, así que no necesitamos el interprete.
Son , we don't speak like that in this household.
Hijo , no se habla así en este hoGAR
One hundred people came to hear him speak.
Un centenar de personas vino a oírlo hablar.
If you don't speak the truth now, you may never get another chance.
Si no dices la verdad ahora, tal vez nunca tendrás otra oportunidad.
The manager isn't here, but you can speak with her deputy.
La gerente no está aquí, pero pueden hablar con su segundo.
I had to speak first in the meeting.
Tuve que hablar primero en la reunión.V