oraciones de while y when en pasado con stop
Respuestas a la pregunta
While. I. was. learning. to. drive. , I. had. a. terrible. accident.
When I play whit my sisters I happy
Psdt: nose inglés me lo saque de Google xd
En inglés *When* es la traducción de *cuando* y también se usa cuando una acción se vio interrumpida.
Mientras que *While* significa *mientras* y se usa para indicar que mié tras haces una acción, otra persona está realizando otra al mismo tiempo.
*Aquí las oraciones*
- I was in the school *when* my mother called.
- *When* is your Birthday?
- *When* was the last time you see it?
- They were dancing *when* the car stopped.
- She looked happier *when* she was whit Nathan.
- Is there any thing you want to do *While* you're here?
-Mary was shooping *while* Richard was having a shower.
-He was doing his homework *while* he was watching the TV.
-My father was cleaning the bathroom *while* my mother was cleaning the table.
- I did this *While* she did that.
Espero haberte ayudado...