Oraciones de como cuidar el medio ambiente
Respuestas a la pregunta
No arrojar Basura.
Aprovechar la luz solar para ahorrar energía.
Elegir Bolsas De Papel o de Tela.
Sembrar árboles ó Plantas.
Usar preferiblemente Productos Naturales.
Lavar el auto con Agua en Tarro, en vez de manguera.
Reducir las emiciones de CO2
espero que te sirva
If we stop throwing rubbish in the street, air pollution will decrease.
-If you start using electric cars more, you will help solving the problem with cars' fumes.
-If people get informed about contamination's consecuences, they will care a bit more.
-Dumpsites will be twice their actual size if we don't start recycling.
-I will start going to college by bike if you do so.
-If we stop deforestation now, we will be making a big change in world's future.
-Many species will disappear if that company doesn't stop throwing garbage in the river.
-If famous people start caring for nature, common people will do so too.
-If people like you keep on using paper for no reason, forest will be in big danger.
-If he doesn't fix his car's pollutions problem, they (will not/won't) let him drive any more.