Inglés, pregunta formulada por yesihernandz, hace 5 meses

Oraciones con el verbo tobe sobre adjetivos posesivo sobre profesiones

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por ramirezpa1995


oraciones con el verbo “To be” mencionando profesiones y pronombres personales en inglés:

I am a doctor.

She was a great journalist when she was 40 years-old.

They are students from another College.

We are professors for the faculty of Humanities.

You are a fantastic football player.

He is a musician now.


espero que te aya adudado

Contestado por alin18butterfly


1. I am a doctor.

2. She was a great journalist when she was 40 years-old.

3. They are students from another College.

4. We are professors for the faculty of Humanities.

5. You are a fantastic football player.

6. He is a musician now.

7. You were a writer, what happened to you?

8. They are politicians in my city.

9. I am an electrical engineer.

10. For better or for worse, I will be a business man.

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