Inglés, pregunta formulada por karenjanethsilva18, hace 1 año

ocupo 20 oraciones en ingles con if en presente alguien que me ayude?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por alvarezlesly207


If you drove slowly, you would not have any accidents. (Si condujeras despacio, no tendrías ningún accidente)

If you studied hard, you would pass your finals. (Si estudiaras duro, pasarías tus finales)

If I saw her, I would give her your message. (Si la viera, le daría tu mensaje)

If he saved his money, he would buy a new car. (Si él ahorrara su dinero, compraría un nuevo automóvil)

If you studied English, you would find a job. (Si estudiaras inglés, encontrarías un trabajo)

If we had enough money, we would travel to Europe. (Si tuviéramos suficiente dinero, viajaríamos Europa)

If you went to bed earlier, you would not feel so tired. (Si fueras a la cama más temprano, no te sentirías tan casado)

If he attended class regularly, he would make a good progress. (Si el asistiera a clases regularmente, haría un buen progreso)

If you finished your homework on time, you would go to the party. (Si terminaras tu tarea a tiempo, irías a la fiesta)

If I had time, I would go to the movies with you. (Si tuviera tiempo, iría al cine contigo)

If you worked harder, you would get a better salary. (Si trabajaras más duro, tendrías un mejor salario


If I were you I would talk about that with her. (Si fuera tú, hablaría con ella acerca de eso)

If today were Sunday, we would go to the beach. (Si hoy fuera domingo, iríamos a la playa)

If I were in your position, I would think twice before doing that. (Si estuviera en tu posición, lo pensaría dos veces antes de hacer eso)

If the weather were not so cold, she would feel better. (Si el clima no fuera tan frío, ella se sentiría mejor)

If today were Saturday, I would go to visit my brother. (Si hoy fuera sábado, iría a visitar a mi hermano)

If she were here, she would bake a cake. (Si ella estuviera aquí, hornearía un pastel)

If today were sunny, we would go to the zoo. (Si hoy estuviera soleado, iríamos al zoológico)

If my father were here, he would help us. (Si mi padre estuviera aquí, nos ayudaría)

If she were here, she would know what to do. (Si ella estuviera aquí, ella sabría que hacer

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