Inglés, pregunta formulada por leydygrimaldo97, hace 5 meses

nosésito una conversación de hábitos culturales en inglés me urgeeeeee​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por pazangelina2098


Lucía: Why do you have this misshapen vase, Jana?

Jana: That’s the first vase I made in my glassblowing class.

Lee: You’re taking a glassblowing class?

Jana: Not for credit. I’m taking it because I’m interested in culture and traditional crafts. Maybe my dad is rubbing off on me after all.

Lee: Your dad?

Lucía: Jana’s dad is an anthropologist.

Lee: Oh, cool. And glassblowing is a traditional craft?

Jana: It is in many countries, including the U.S. It was one of the first crafts brought here. I like to think I am helping to preserve the cultural heritage of the country. And I study traditional crafts of my own country too, of course.

Lucía: That’s really cool. This vase seems much more beautiful now.

Lee: I think it’s fantastic. I have never learned a traditional craft.

Jana: You should try! You could always come to my glassblowing class.

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