nesecito un trabajo en ingles sobre quito con su traducción
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Quito, oficialmente San Francisco de Quito, es la capital de la República de Ecuador, la capital más antigua de América del Sur 3 y de la Provincia de Pichincha,4 con 1 607 734 de habitantes (Solo parroquias urbanas) y 2.239.191 de habitantes en todo el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito , es la segunda ciudad más poblada del Ecuador. Además es cabecera cantonal o distrital del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.5 Actualmente es considerada la capital económica del país.6 7Está ubicada sobre la hoya de Guayllabamba en las laderas occidentales del estratovolcán activo Pichincha, en la parte oriental de los Andes y su altitud promedio es de 2800 msnm. La ciudad está dividida en 32 parroquias, las cuales se subdividen en barrios.8La fecha de su primera fundación es incierta; los registros más antiguos se hallan en la hacienda del Inga alrededor del año10300 a.c. El Inca Huayna Capac convirtió a Quito en una ciudad importante del norte del Tahuantinsuyo, y durante varios lapsos de tiempo se movilizó entre esta y Tomebamba, esta última capital norteña del Imperio. Sin embargo, se utiliza la conquista española de la ciudad, el 6 de diciembre de 1534, como su nacimiento.9 La Escuela quiteña es como se ha llamado al conjunto de manifestaciones artísticas y de artistas que se desarrolló en el territorio de la Real Audiencia de Quito. La Escuela Quiteña alcanzó su época de mayor esplendor entre los siglos XVII y XVIII, llegando a adquirir gran prestigio entre las otras colonias americanas e incluso en la corte española de Madrid.10 El 24 de mayo de 1822 el ejército independista comandado por el General Antonio José de Sucre venció a las fuerzas realistas leales al rey de España quienes estaban bajo las órdenes de Melchor de Aymerich, en la denominada Batalla de Pichincha. Gracias a la victoria de las tropas grancolombinas, se consiguió la liberación de Quito y la independencia de las provincias pertenecientes a la Real Audiencia de Quito. El 13 de mayo de 1830 se crea la República del Ecuador, con Quito como capital tras separarse de laGran Colombia.
Quito, officially San Francisco de Quito, is the capital of the Republic of Ecuador, the oldest capital of South America 3 and the Province of Pichincha, 4 with 1,607,734 inhabitants (urban parishes only) and 2,239,191 of people throughout the Metropolitan District of Quito, is the second most populous city in Ecuador. It is also cantonal or district head of the Metropolitan District of Quito.5 currently is considered the economic capital of country.6 7
It is located on the basin of Guayllabamba on the western slopes of the Pichincha active stratovolcano on the east side of the Andes and its average altitude is 2800 m. The city is divided into 32 parishes, which are subdivided into barrios.8
The date of his first foundation is uncertain; the oldest records are in the estate of Inga circa 10300 BC The Inca Huayna Capac Quito became a major city in northern Tahuantinsuyo, and for several periods of time between this and mobilized Tomebamba, this last northern capital of the empire. However, the Spanish conquest of the city is used, the December 6, 1534, as its nacimiento.9 the Quito school is as known to all art forms and artists that developed in the territory of the Real Audiencia Quito. The Quito School reached its heyday in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, arriving to acquire great prestige among the other American colonies and even the Spanish court Madrid.10 The May 24, 1822 the independista army led by General Antonio José de Sucre defeated forces loyal to the king of Spain who were under the orders of Melchor de Aymerich, the so-called Battle of Pichincha royalist forces. Thanks to the victory of the grancolombinas troops, the release of Quito and the independence of the provinces belonging to the Royal Audience of Quito was achieved. On 13 May 1830 the Republic of Ecuador is created, with Quito like capital after separating from Great Colombia.
Quito, officially San Francisco de Quito, is the capital of the Republic of Ecuador, the oldest capital of South America 3 and the Province of Pichincha, 4 with 1,607,734 inhabitants (urban parishes only) and 2,239,191 of people throughout the Metropolitan District of Quito, is the second most populous city in Ecuador. It is also cantonal or district head of the Metropolitan District of Quito.5 currently is considered the economic capital of country.6 7
It is located on the basin of Guayllabamba on the western slopes of the Pichincha active stratovolcano on the east side of the Andes and its average altitude is 2800 m. The city is divided into 32 parishes, which are subdivided into barrios.8
The date of his first foundation is uncertain; the oldest records are in the estate of Inga circa 10300 BC The Inca Huayna Capac Quito became a major city in northern Tahuantinsuyo, and for several periods of time between this and mobilized Tomebamba, this last northern capital of the empire. However, the Spanish conquest of the city is used, the December 6, 1534, as its nacimiento.9 the Quito school is as known to all art forms and artists that developed in the territory of the Real Audiencia Quito. The Quito School reached its heyday in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, arriving to acquire great prestige among the other American colonies and even the Spanish court Madrid.10 The May 24, 1822 the independista army led by General Antonio José de Sucre defeated forces loyal to the king of Spain who were under the orders of Melchor de Aymerich, the so-called Battle of Pichincha royalist forces. Thanks to the victory of the grancolombinas troops, the release of Quito and the independence of the provinces belonging to the Royal Audience of Quito was achieved. On 13 May 1830 the Republic of Ecuador is created, with Quito like capital after separating from Great Colombia.
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