Inglés, pregunta formulada por SWEET001, hace 1 año

nesecito 15 oraciones con "there isn't" y 15 con "there aren't"

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por anasofia0425

There isn't

  1. There isn't shoes
  2. There isn't a dog
  3. There isn't food
  4. There isn't a home
  5. There isn't a car
  6. There isn't a lied
  7. There isn't a bed
  8. There isn't a TV
  9. There isn't windows
  10. There isn't ketchup
  11. There isn't floor
  12. There isn't a bike
  13. There isn't a plant
  14. There isn't a book
  15. There isn't a pen

There aren't

  1. There aren't three motorcycles
  2. There aren't five books
  3. There aren't one bathrooms
  4. There aren't thirty people
  5. There aren't twelve chairs
  6. There aren't thirteen pages
  7. There aren't four doors
  8. There aren't fifteen wards
  9. There aren't two fly
  10. There aren't six bedrooms
  11. There aren't eight fails
  12. There aren't ten moons
  13. There aren't seventeen armchairs
  14. There aren't twenty apps
  15. There aren't twenty four cellphones
Contestado por yantaochen


Sure, but there isn't anything you can do about it.

Claro, pero no hay nada que puedas hacer al respecto.

And there isn't anything we can do to stop it.

Y no hay nada que podamos hacer para detenerlo.

If there isn't enough evidence, Mr. Bishop should be free.

Si no hay suficientes pruebas, el Sr. Bishop debe ser liberado.

You mean, there isn't a second part to your plan?

¿Quieres decir que no hay segunda parte en tu plan?

Where there isn't good grass, he makes them walk faster.

Cuando no hay buena hierba, los hace caminar más rápido.

In other words, there isn't one single thing that we make...

En otras palabras, no hay una sola cosa que hagamos...

As if there isn't enough pain in this house.

Como si ya no hubiera suficiente dolor en esta casa.

Tell me there isn't a baby in that bag.

Dime que no hay un bebé en ese bolso.

If there isn't enough oxygen around, you could make some.

Si no hay suficiente oxígeno alrededor, usted podría hacerlo.

No, there isn't time to compute all the relevant information.

No, no hay tiempo para calcular todas las informaciones pertinentes.

Are you sure there isn't anybody here, or the attorney...?

¿Segura que no hay alguien aquí, o el abogado?

Please tell me there isn't another bomb in here.

Por favor, dime que no es otra bomba de aquí.

That old man over there isn't even making a transaction.

Ese hombre de allá ni siquiera esta haciendo una transacción.

At the moment, there isn't much else we can do.

Por el momento, no hay mucho que podamos hacer.

But not going in there isn't gonna change what happened.

Pero no entrar allí no va a cambiar lo que pasó.

Somewhere where there aren't any people during the day.

En algún lugar donde no hayan personas durante el día.

Now, I'm not saying that there aren't good reasons.

Ahora bien: no estoy diciendo que no tengan buenas razones.

It's hard to describe, there aren't the words for it.

Es duro de describir, no hay las palabras para eso.

Yes, but there aren't any of those book stores around here.

Si, pero no hay ninguna de esas tiendas por aquí.

These days there aren't many admirers of art like you.

En estos días no hay muchos admiradores del arte como tú.

And there aren't enough boats to evacuate the people.

Y no hay barcos suficientes para evacuar a la gente.

Don says there aren't any tribal people in the city.

Don dice que no hay gente tribal en la ciudad.

If there aren't enough seats, sit on the floor.

Y si no hay suficientes asientos, siéntense en el piso.

If there aren't any available, ask where you can find some.

Si no hay ninguno disponible pregunte dónde puede encontrar algunos.

The water is freezing and there aren't enough boats.

El agua está helada y no hay suficientes botes.

This ensures that there aren't any possible drawbacks to its application.

Esto asegura que no hay posibles inconvenientes a su aplicación.

Why do you think there aren't any germs in the air?

¿Por qué cree que no hay gérmenes en el aire?

Okay, maybe this is so hard because there aren't 50 states.

Quizá esto es muy difícil porque no hay 50 estados.

At least there aren't as many of them up here.

Al menos no hay tantos de ellos por aquí.

This means that there aren't any potential drawbacks to its use.

Esto significa que no hay inconvenientes potenciales para su uso.

It's not a party if there aren't four people.

No es una fiesta si no hay cuatro personas.

Cos heaven knows there aren't enough books in the library.

Porque el cielo sabe que no hay suficientes libros en la biblioteca.

What if there aren't any visions or sounds to suppress?

¿Y si no hay ninguna visión o sonido que evitar?

This means that there aren't any possible disadvantages to its application.

Esto significa que no hay posibles desventajas en su aplicación.

Because of that, there aren't many friends over here.

Debido a eso, no hay muchos amigos por aquí.


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