Inglés, pregunta formulada por yaneth005, hace 1 año

Necesito una oración con cada una de las palabras
School and learning words
1. semester
2. timetable
3. subject
4. textbook
5. homework
6. test
7. exam
8. practice
9. club
10. coach
11. study

Extra Vocabulary
12. coach
13. club
14. exam
15. homework
16. semester
17. subject
18. timetable
19. brainteaser
20. leap year

Unit 1
Dramatic verbs
21. shout
22. whisper
23. scream
24. laugh
25. mutter
26. cheer
27. catch
28. follow
29. hide
30. escape
31. chase
32. rescue

Performers and skill words
33. comedian
34. acrobat
35. magician
36. musician
37. tell jokes
38. do acrobatics
39. perform tricks
40. play an instrument
41. get along with people
42. work as a team
43. practice a lot
44. learn new skills

Special effects
45. special effects
46. backdrop
47. project
48. pyrotechnic
49. technician
50. sound effect
51. stunt actor
52. harness

Extra Vocabulary 1
53. cannon
54. crowded
55. firework
56. poor
57. smelly

Unit 2
Travel and transportation
58. airport
59. canal
60. ferry
61. highway
62. port
63. railroad
64. runway
65. tunnel
66. road sign
67. roadworks
68. speed limit
69. traffic jam

Air travel words
70. check-in
71. passport
72. ticket
73. luggage
74. security
75. hand luggage
76. line
77. gate
78. boarding
79. seat belt
80. take-off
81. landing

Green transportation
82. fossil fuels
83. green
84. renewable energy
85. passengers
86. wind power
87. solar power
88. charge

Extra Vocabulary 2
89. agreed
90. avoid
91. enjoy
92. expect
93. not mind
94. offer
95. pretend
96. promise
97. suggest
98. crossing
99. enormous
100. shake hand
101. rough

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Meiisita
1. This semester I will focus on my English grammar.
2. I should make a timetable to organize myself.
3. Mathematics is a hard subject.
4. Unfortunately I forgot my textbook at school.
5. I hate doing homework.
6. Doing a test is similar to playing bingo, you only need luck.
7. I dislike exams, at the end of them my hand ends hurting.
8. I should practice my dancing skills to get a good grade in Gymnastics.
9. My friend is in the science club, he is so good at chemistry!
10. My coach told me I wasn't good at football.
11. I've been studying a lot the last two weeks.
12. His basketball coach was a famous basketballer.
13. Would you like joining the Theatre club?
14. I totally failed the exam, I mind went blank.
15. I always do the homework.
16. Alex promised his mom he would get good grades next semester.
17. My favourite subject is English.
18. This year's timetable is horrible.
19. Brainteasers end up making sense if you think about them.
20. Christopher took a leap year before going to university to work.
21. I shouted his name but he didn't hear me.
22. He whispered into Selena's ear the solutions of the exam.
23. Jessica was so scared, she even screamed while watching the movie.
24. Melanie laughed when Jack told the joke.
25. She muttered after hearing her mother scolding her.
26. Cheer up! It's your birthday.
27. I catched the fly and immediatly killed it.
28. Lucia doesn't follow me on Instagram.
29. Fred was hidding the truth to Rebecca.
30. Gerard scaped from the awkward situation by pulling his phone out of his pants.
31. The stalker chased Drake until he called the cops.
32. 400 people were rescued after the tsunami.
33. Tarantino wants to be a comedian.
34. Megan was an acrobat, but now she is a gymnastics teacher.
35. All magicians are illusionists.
36. Bob Marley was a musician.
37. Tarantino doesn't know how to tell jokes.
38. Fliying and doing acrobatics is similar, I can't do them.
39. Magicians perform tricks, such as the cards games.
40. When Ted was little he used to play the violin.

Lo siento no se me ocurren más xd
Contestado por ExoMoonlight
1. The professor has fewer students in his classes this semester.2. The timetable for action is not subject to debate.3. The legalization of marijuana is a controversial subject.4.I do not want to make this a textbook case.5. I do not want to make this a textbook case.6. Good luck on your test today!7. The final exam is this Friday and she is completely stressed.8. The letter r is hard to pronounce in Spanish if you don't practice your pronunciation.9. He is a member of the chess club in his school.10. George is the likely choice to be our next coach.11. I need to go to study hall to concentrate on my homework.
12. We rode a coach through the park last night.13. This club is really cool! They play the best music.14. I can't believe the teacher gave me a nought on the exam.15. I need three sheets of paper for my homework.16. This semester I got a fail on my history test.17.In the active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action.18. Your ambitious but essential timetable has our support.20.There are 366 days in a leap year.21. At the end of a performance, people usually clap and shout bravo!22. At the moment it is only worth a whisper.23. I jumped when I heard that bloodcurdling scream.24.Nicky 's response to my pun was a loud laugh.25.Of course, some people mutter that Ukraine is not Europe.26. The entire school went to the match to cheer our team.27. Many fishers come here to catch prawns.28. More people follow football than any other sport in the world.29. My grandfather used to hide chocolate from my grandmother all over the house.30. A group of prisoners worked out a plan to escape from jail.31.The lion will chase the gazelle until it gets tired.32.They went to rescue the bird but it was already dead.33.I am reminded of Eric Morecambe, the great comedian from the UK who is now dead.34.Johnny wants to be a circus acrobat and to perform alongside tightrope walkers, clowns, and lion tamers.35.The magician entertained the group of children.36.I am a well-known musician in the local scene.37.Every time we talk, Guillermo always tells jokes38.She likes to do acrobatics.39.You can perform tricks in that place40.My sister plays the cello, and my brother plays the violin, but I don't play an instrument.41.Normally I usually get along with people42.In class we always work as a team43.He practices a lot to learn English and go to study in Canada44. It's good to learn new skills every day45.The dialogue wasn't impressive, but the special effects were incredible46.The spotlights lit the stage, revealing a backdrop of a pastoral landscape.47.The health project will be implemented next year.48.This applies particularly to ammonium nitrate and pyrotechnic substances.49.I would ask for the services of a technician please.50.The sound effects of their latest movie are awesome. You feel right in the middle of the action!
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