Inglés, pregunta formulada por saimonbarrios0710, hace 5 meses

Necesito una historia de proposiciones de tiempo

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por nicoldayanah206


Once upon a time, there was a prince who lived in a very splendorous castle.

His father the king was in his eighties. The prince was very bad at being a prince. Sitting on the king's throne was thinking about how to be a king.

Next day, his father died at night. Now, he would have to assume a reign and govern a country where he had always lived but he had never known.

He was silently in love with a poor girl, who was at secondary school. She was too young for him. She was at her eighteens and he was twenty-five. Would he be able to escape with her? Would she accept him?

He would have to make a decision. Would he be a king and marry princess Elizabeth or would he be able to resign and escape with Loren, the most beautiful girl in the world?

One month later, the Prince and Loren disappeared. Nobody saw neither him nor the girl again ever after.


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saimonbarrios0710: Amigo es una historia no cuento
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