necesito un poema en ingles corto y facil de pronunciar con su autor? el poema que sea de una estrofa
Respuestas a la pregunta
Me inclino ante tus lamentos
son de goce ante la vida
abre tus pupilas y respiraven y libera tus tormentos
que ya se encarga enseguida
el destino de cargar tu ira.
I bow to your cries
They are to enjoy life
open your eyes and breathe
Come and release your torments
already charged immediately destination charge your anger
Author of the poem : Koldo Fierro
Poema corto en Inglés:
Shrouded in golden leaves,
we wait.
The world doesn’t end at sunset
and only dreams
limit themselves to things.
Through a labyrinth of blank hours
time leads us on
as autumn falls
over our house, our patio.
Shrouded in a relentless fog
we wait, we wait:
nostalgia means to live without remembering
the word we are made of.