Inglés, pregunta formulada por sayuriaguanes2303, hace 10 meses

necesito un parrafo en ingles de 15 lineas

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por pedrojose2005hm

Como un ejemplo dejaré el concepto de química, pero traducido al ingles:

Chemistry is the science that studies the composition, structure and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions and their relationship with energy. Linus Pauling defines it as the science that studies substances, their structure (types and forms of arrangement of atoms), their properties and the reactions that transform them into other substances in reference to time. Chemistry is mainly concerned with supratomic groupings, such as gases, molecules, crystals and metals, studying their composition, statistical properties, transformations and reactions. Chemistry also includes understanding the properties and interactions of matter at the atomic scale. Most chemical processes can be studied directly in the laboratory, using a number of often well-established techniques, both in material handling and in understanding the underlying processes. An alternative approach is that provided by molecular modeling techniques, which draw conclusions from computational models. Chemistry is often called "central science" because of its role in connecting with the other natural sciences.

Contestado por sarafigueroapulido


In the year 1992, there was a child tobby, tobby had barely three years when were

to its first trave family, they were their cousins, their brothers and sister, parents,

uncles and two Friends nearby of the family, that day Aaron, one of the friend if the

family than atended to the travel, it was to play with some of their cousins and

brothers, when its mother and aunts the they called for dine, i know gave of bill

than tobby not this with they, clearly everybody i know worried, tobby had missing.

Immediately the mother and father they called to the pólice, a Little while hen of the

happened the pólice arrived where this immense family, them they made questions

to the parents and to all that person that would have state in that same place. A

Little while then the parents i know they came back the main suspects together

with Aaron already than the was the that had state with the in the moment in the

than Tobby had missing. All the family went back to its house, there they started to

print frills with information of Tobby, near of how i was dress in the momento that

he disappeared, where had missing its age, a description brief of the, etc.

A year then of the etc.

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