Inglés, pregunta formulada por Esmeralda3012, hace 1 año

Necesito traducir al inglés la siguiente redacción, ¿alguien me ayuda?
Hola, hoy os venga a hablar sobre Kitesurf.
El kitesurf es un deporte acuático, donde el deportista, subido a una tabla, es deslizado por la superficie del agua impulsado por una cometa.
En España tenemos a la multicampeona del mundo, Gisela Pulido, que desde muy joven ha logrado varios premios y es una figura muy importante en este deporte.
El equipamiento básico es:
-Cometa: es lo que va a permitir impulsarnos a gran velocidad.
-Barra de dirección: permite dirigir la cometa.
-Cuerdas: fijan al deportista a la cometa.
-Casco: para evitar lesiones en la cabeza.
-Chaleco salvavidas.
En el kitesurf las lesiones más frecuentes vienen ocasionadas por una pérdida de control de la cometa, errores técnicos o viento muy potente.
Lo más común son las abrasiones, erosiones y contusiones. Aunque pueden haber en los casos más extremos, roturas o esguinces de alguna extremidad.
Podemos salir despedidos o ser arrastrados por la arena, chocar contra otros surfistas o contra barcos.
El Kitesurf es un deporte muy extremo y no cualquiera sin experiencia puede practicarlo.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por valerimarielvis

Hello, today I come to talk about Kitesurf.

Kitesurfing is a water sport, where the athlete, climbed on a board, is slid on the surface of the water driven by a kite.

In Spain we have the world's multi-champion, Gisela Pulido, who has won several awards since she was very young and is a very important figure in this sport.

The basic equipment is:

-Cometa: is what will allow us to move at a great speed.

-Barra of direction: allows directing the kite.

-Cords: fix the athlete to the kite.

-Casco: to avoid head injuries.


In kitesurfing the most frequent injuries are caused by a loss of control of the kite, technical errors or very powerful wind.

The most common are abrasions, erosions and bruises. Although there may be in the most extreme cases, breaks or sprains of some limb.

We can get fired or be dragged by the sand, crash against other surfers or against boats.

Kitesurfing is a very extreme sport and not anyone without experience can practice it.

Contestado por treici13

Hello, today I come to talk about Kitesurf.

Kitesurfing is a water sport, where the athlete, climbed on a board, is slid on the surface of the water driven by a kite.

In Spain we have the world's multi-champion, Gisela Pulido, who has won several awards since she was very young and is a very important figure in this sport.

The basic equipment is:

-Cometa: is what will allow us to move at a great speed.

-Barra of direction: allows directing the kite.

-Cords: fix the athlete to the kite.

-Casco: to avoid head injuries.


In kitesurfing the most frequent injuries are caused by a loss of control of the kite, technical errors or very powerful wind.

The most common are abrasions, erosions and bruises. Although there may be in the most extreme cases, breaks or sprains of some limb.

We can get fired or be dragged by the sand, crash against other surfers or against boats.

Kitesurfing is a very extreme sport and not anyone without experience can practice it.

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