Inglés, pregunta formulada por zaritocherenekpbx29c, hace 1 año

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Ana Frank, judía, nació en la ciudad e Alemania de Frankfurt, en 1929, es conocida por escribir los diarios de la segunda guerra mundial, se escondió en 1942 de los nazis durante la ocupación de los Países Bajos. Fue descubierta 2 años después. En 1945, murió en el campo de concentración de Bergen-Velsen.

En los dos años que se esconde, Ana escribe sobre lo que ocurre en la Casa de atrás, pero también sobre lo que siente y piensa

El padre de Ana al ser el único sobreviviente lee el diario de Ana y lo púbica el cual cogió fama y ya se ha traducido a cerca de 70 idiomas y se escribe una obra de teatro y una película.

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Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por FioAlvarado


Anne Frank, Jewish, she was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929. She’s known for the diary she wrote during II Worldwar. She was trying to hide from the nazis in 1942, but she was cathedral 2 years later.

In 1945, she died in Bergen-Velsen’s concentration camp.

The 2 years she was hidden, Anne writes about everything happening in the house she was hiding in, and about what she felt and thought.

Anne’s father was the only survivor, he found her diary and decided to publish it. It has been translated into almost 70 languages and a movie was made about her history.


Contestado por camilaalizapdl88d


Anna Frank, Jewish; was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929. She is known because of her famous diaries about the 2nd world war. In 1942, she stayed hide of the nazis in The Netherlands. Anna was trapped two years later. In 1945, she died in the Bergen-Velsen concentration camp.

During the two years that she stayed hide, Anna wrote about what was going on in the house of behind, but also about what was she feeling and finking.

Being the only survivor, Anna's father reads Anna's diary and publishes it, which has gained fame and has already been translated into 70 languages ​​approx. Also, her story has been adapted into a play and a movie.



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