Necesito de una revista o periódico en inglés un artículo que hable de adicciones y alcoholismo el artículo tiene q ser en inglés
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Risk consumption and intensive alcohol consumption among university students: two years of study
Objective: To determine the incidence of risky alcohol consumption (CR) and intensive consumption (IC) in a cohort of university students at 2 years of follow-up and identify the factors of these alcohol consumption patterns and their association with performance academic. Method: A cohort study has been carried out. Alcohol consumption has been measured with the AUDIT. The following variables have been measured using a questionnaire: place of residence, parental education, alcohol consumption in the family, age of beginning of use, expectations about alcohol and academic performance. For data analysis, logistic regression models have been constructed with the three dependent variables considered: CR, IQ and academic performance. Results: The response rate in the follow-up was 64.1%. The incidence of RC and IC at 2 years was 24.92% and 4.01%. The prevalence of RC increased from 37.1% to 54.6%. On the contrary, the CI decreased from 12.2% to 8.7%. Regarding the incidence of RC, being male (OR = 2.77), means (OR = 1.59) and high expectations (OR = 2.24), and early age of initiation of use (OR = 2.26) they are risk factors. On the contrary, living with parents shows a protective factor (OR = 0.48). For IQ, being male (OR = 1.92) and high expectations (OR = 2.96) are also risk factors. Both consumption patterns are risk factors for poor academic performance. Conclusions: IC is a consumption pattern mainly associated with adolescence, while CR is associated with youth. Both patterns are predictors of academic performance. Public health strategies should focus on changing expectations and limiting the youngest's access to alcohol.
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