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En una nueva edición del programa ser pilo paga otros 10.000 bachilleres se beneficiaran de un crédito beca para cursar sus estudios de educación superior de la universidad que escojan el anuncio lo hizo ayer la ministra de educación Gina Parody, durante el foro organizado por la cartelera de educación, el tiempo y portafolio en el que participaron algunas madres de familia, alumnos y profesores de instituciones educativas quienes contaron sus experiencias de acuerdo con la ministra Parody, en tres semanas el presidente juan Manuel santos hará la presentación del programa ser pilo paga 2 que igual que la primera versión cobijara a 10.000 jóvenes de escasos de recursos así lo dio a conocer este programa del gobierno ya les dio la oportunidad a 10.000 estudiantes de grado once que obtuvieron la mayor calificación para acceder a la universidad y que hoy ya van en su segundo semestre
“la paz y la equidad está en que los jóvenes puedan estudiar donde quieran y lo que quieran como LO HA PERMITIDO ESTE PROGRAMA “MANIFESTÓ LA MINISTRA
Un dato relevado en el foro señala que el 80 por ciento de estos pilos tiene un promedio bueno superior “solo el 2 por ciento saco por debajo de 3 y a ellos le hacemos un seguimiento especial por parte de las universidades” destaco Parody en cuanto a las deserciones solo se han registrado dos. “una al parecer porque quiere cambiar de universidad y el otra cuya madre no la dejo seguir”, agrego la funcionaria, quien destaco que varios países de latino américa ya quiere3n imitar este programa que destino 155.000 millones al pago de matrículas de estos estudiantes, en 33 universidades.
Sobre las experiencias que ha dejado el inicio de ser pilo paga minerva palacios consejera de permanencia estudiantil de la universidad tecnológica de bolívar ha conocido historias conmovedoras una de ellas la de un señor pilo de 52 años.” Me dijo que está en la mejor edad para triunfar y quiere ser un ejemplo de los pilos de este país”.
Para Judith rodríguez profesora de diseño de la u. Jorge Tadeo lozano., este programa ha permitido formar personas desde la educación. Roberto sarama, de los andes, señalo que en este gobierno se serán 40.000 becas que significarían que las universidades tendrán programas acreditados “en 10 años dejara 40.000 familias de clase media profesional”
El seguimiento a los becarios:
.En cuanto el seguimiento que le hacen a cada uno de los estudiantes, minerva palacios indico que cuenta con alarmas tempranas para saber cómo es el desempeño. “El que este en promedio 3.5 lo llamamos para conocer que paso y de inmediato activamos la red de apoyo en la universidad” manifiesta.
Las madres de algunos de los alumnos han tenido una participación activa, como es el caso de Tania Catherine Saavedra, mama de Abdías Josué Ovallos, estudiantes de medicina de los andes, quien aseguro: “decía: dios como le voy a dar universidad a el no tengo recursos sin embargo no le corte las alas.
Gracias a dios y al gobierno ese sueño se logró”
Requisitos Ser Pilo Paga 2
Puntaje de 318 o superior
Cursar y aprobar el grado 11 en el 2015
Estar registrado en el Sisbén en la base del 19 de junio de 2015
Ser admitidos por una de las 39 Instituciones de Educación Superior acreditadas en Alta Calidad
Aspirantes de la población indígena deben estar registrados dentro de la base censal del Ministerio del Interior con corte al 30 de junio de 2015.
Respuestas a la pregunta
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In a new edition of Being program pilo pay another 10,000 high school students will benefit from a grant credit for their studies higher education college to choose the announcement was made yesterday by the Minister of Education Gina Parody, during the forum organized by the billboard education, time and portfolio with the participation of some mothers, students and teachers of educational institutions who shared their experiences according to Parody minister in three weeks President Juan Manuel Santos will present the program be pilo pays 2 like the first sheltering 10,000 young people from low resource version and was announced this government program and given the opportunity to 10,000 eleventh grade students who obtained the highest rating for access to college and now and go in their second semester"Peace and equity is that young people can study wherever and whatever they want as LO THIS PROGRAM HAS ALLOWED" INDICATED THE MINISTER
A data relieved forum indicates that 80 percent of these pilos has a good average superior "only 2 percent sac below 3 and they do a special follow-up by universities" feature Parody as to the defections alone there have been two. A "apparently because he wants to change schools and another whose mother did not let her go," added the official, who pointed out that several countries in Latin America and quiere3n imitate this program destination 155.000 million to pay tuition for these students, 33 universities.On experiences that has left the start to be pilo pay minerva palaces counselor student permanence of the Technological University bolivar has known poignant stories one of a man Pilo 52 years. "I said it is in the best age for succeed and wants to be an example of pilos of this country. "Judith Rodriguez to design teacher u. Jorge Tadeo Lozano., This program has trained people from education. Roberto sarama of the Andes, noted that in this government 40,000 scholarships mean that universities have accredited programs "in 10 years left 40,000 families professional middle class" will beMonitoring fellows:As monitoring they do to each student, minerva palaces indicated that early warning has to know how performance. "The 3.5 average this call to know what has happened and immediately activate the support network in college," he says.The mothers of some of the students have been active, as in the case of Tania Catherine Saavedra, breast Obadiah Joshua Ovallos, medical students of the Andes, who said: "saying God as I'll give college to the I have no resources but does not cut the wings.Thank God and the government that dream was achieved "
Requirements Be Pilo Pays 2Score 318 or higherTake and pass the Grade 11 in 2015Sisbén be registered on the basis of June 19, 2015It is admitted by one of the 39 higher education institutions accredited in High QualityAspirants of the indigenous population must be registered in the census-based Interior Ministry to court to June 30, 2015.
fuentes: mi profe de ingles y yo
A data relieved forum indicates that 80 percent of these pilos has a good average superior "only 2 percent sac below 3 and they do a special follow-up by universities" feature Parody as to the defections alone there have been two. A "apparently because he wants to change schools and another whose mother did not let her go," added the official, who pointed out that several countries in Latin America and quiere3n imitate this program destination 155.000 million to pay tuition for these students, 33 universities.On experiences that has left the start to be pilo pay minerva palaces counselor student permanence of the Technological University bolivar has known poignant stories one of a man Pilo 52 years. "I said it is in the best age for succeed and wants to be an example of pilos of this country. "Judith Rodriguez to design teacher u. Jorge Tadeo Lozano., This program has trained people from education. Roberto sarama of the Andes, noted that in this government 40,000 scholarships mean that universities have accredited programs "in 10 years left 40,000 families professional middle class" will beMonitoring fellows:As monitoring they do to each student, minerva palaces indicated that early warning has to know how performance. "The 3.5 average this call to know what has happened and immediately activate the support network in college," he says.The mothers of some of the students have been active, as in the case of Tania Catherine Saavedra, breast Obadiah Joshua Ovallos, medical students of the Andes, who said: "saying God as I'll give college to the I have no resources but does not cut the wings.Thank God and the government that dream was achieved "
Requirements Be Pilo Pays 2Score 318 or higherTake and pass the Grade 11 in 2015Sisbén be registered on the basis of June 19, 2015It is admitted by one of the 39 higher education institutions accredited in High QualityAspirants of the indigenous population must be registered in the census-based Interior Ministry to court to June 30, 2015.
fuentes: mi profe de ingles y yo
Contestado por
In a new edition of the program to be pilo pays other 10.000 graduates were benefiting from a credit scholarship to deal his studies of top education of the university that choose the advertisement it was done yesterday by the secretary of education Gina Parody, during the forum organized by the billboard of education, the time and portfolio in which some mothers of family took part, pupils and teachers of educational institutions who counted his experiences of agreement with the secretary Parody, in three weeks the president juan Manuel saints will make the presentation of the program be pilo he pays 2 that like the first version was sheltering 10.000 young women of scanty of resources like that it this program of the government announced already the opportunity gave to 10.000 students of degree eleven that they obtained The major qualification to accede to the university and that today already go in his second semester " the peace and the equity it is in that the young persons could study where they want and what they want THIS PROGRAM HAS ALLOWED since IT " THE SECRETARY DEMONSTRATED An information relieved in the forum indicates that 80 per cent of these pilos has a good top average " only 2 per cent I extract below 3 and we do a special follow-up to them on the part of the universities " I emphasize Parody as for the desertions only two have registered. " One apparently because it wants to change university and other one I do not leave which mother to continue ", I add the civil servant, whom I emphasize that several countries of Latin person américa already quiere3n to imitate this program that I destine 155.000 millions to the payment of matriculations of these students,In 33 universities. On the experiences that it has stopped the beginning being pilo minerva pays palaces adviser of student permanency of the technological university of bolivar has known touching histories one of them that of a gentleman pilo of 52 years. " He said to me that it is in the best age to triumph and to want to be an example of the pilos of this country ".
For Judith rodríguez teacher of design of her or. Luxuriant Jorge Tadeo., this program has allowed to form persons from the education. Roberto sarama, of them walk, I indicate that in this government they will be 40.000 scholarships that would mean that the universities will have accredited programs " in 10 years it was leaving 40.000 families of professional middle class "
The follow-up to the scholars: .En the follow-up that they do to each of the students, minerva palaces I indicate that it possesses early alarms to know how it is the performance. " This that in average 3.5 we call it to know that I happen and at once we activate the network of support in the university " is demonstrated by it.
For Judith rodríguez teacher of design of her or. Luxuriant Jorge Tadeo., this program has allowed to form persons from the education. Roberto sarama, of them walk, I indicate that in this government they will be 40.000 scholarships that would mean that the universities will have accredited programs " in 10 years it was leaving 40.000 families of professional middle class "
The follow-up to the scholars: .En the follow-up that they do to each of the students, minerva palaces I indicate that it possesses early alarms to know how it is the performance. " This that in average 3.5 we call it to know that I happen and at once we activate the network of support in the university " is demonstrated by it.
The mothers of some of the pupils have had an active participation, since it is Tania Catherine Saavedra's case, Abdías Josué's breast Ovallos, students of medicine of them walk, whom I assure: " he was saying: god like him I am going to give university to do not have resources nevertheless him do not cut the wings. Thanks to god and to the government this dream was achieved "
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