necesito ayuda, debo hacer un ensayo en inglés sobre la belleza.
Respuestas a la pregunta
Quality of a person, animal or thing capable of provoking in those who contemplate or listen to them a sensory, intellectual or spiritual pleasure.
Beauty is an abstract notion linked to many aspects of human existence. Beauty is studied within the philosophical discipline of aesthetics, in addition to other disciplines such as history, sociology, and social psychology. Commonly, beauty is defined as the characteristic of a thing that through a sensory experience (perception) provides a sensation of pleasure or a feeling of satisfaction. It comes from manifestations such as form, visual appearance, movement and sound, although it is also associated, to a lesser extent, with flavors and smells. Along these lines, and emphasizing the visual aspect, Tomás de Aquino defines the beautiful as that which pleases the eye (quae visa placet).
The perception of "beauty" often involves the interpretation of some entity that is in balance and harmony with nature, and can lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. Because it is a subjective experience, it is often said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." 1 Although such relativism is exaggerated and is often associated with worldviews and fashions, the fact is that there are objects and beings that give the impression of beauty already from its natural objectivity because they correspond to the natural requirements of homo sapiens, for example: the sweet taste is preferred to the bitter taste because the bitter usually corresponds to toxic, the same as the fragrance of many flowers is naturally preferred in psychically healthy people to the putrid stench.