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te recomiendo que vallas a Google y busques párrafos de un cuento en inglés y le das a imágenes, por que yo ahora no tengo libros en inglés.
1 párrafo
Once upon a time there was a young milkmaid who carried a bucket of milk on her head, on her way to the market to sell it. Along the way, the dreamy young woman imagined what she could achieve with milk. He thought that in the first place and with the money from the sale he would buy a basket of eggs, which once they hatched would allow him to set up a small chicken farm. Once these grew he could sell them, which would give him money to buy a piglet.
2 párrafo
“Once upon a time there was a woodcutter who one day realized that he did not have his ax. Surprised and with tears in his eyes, he found his neighbor near his house, who as he always did, greeted him smilingly and politely
3 párrafo
Once upon a time, there was a couple of farmers who, one day, discovered in one of the nests in which they raised chickens a solid golden egg. The couple was observing that the bird produced such a prodigy day after day, obtaining each day a golden egg.
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