narra una historia en pasado progressive en ingles
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Yesterday night I were with my parents in front our house, when we saw an accident in the street, a car crushed with a yard and our neighbour's house, so we have to call the firemen, luckily they came to us very fast. The neighbour's house lost everything, but they weren't there thanks God, so they are safe.
A continuación, un cuento corto en pasado progresivo, en inglés y su traducción al español:
Once upon a time there was a boy who did not like lending his toys to anyone.
And I enjoyed making the other children cry because they wanted their toys.
He had a younger brother whom he loved very much and was sick of his heart and no question that nothing happened to him. But one day his brother whom he loved so much, came to his house crying very sad because a new neighbor, had a very nice airplane And he did not want to lend it
Then he ran and grabbed his toys, took a brother with the new neighbor and all three shared all their toys and he promised to always share everything he had with the other children.
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