My cousins are in -on-at Mexico.
Respuestas a la pregunta
My cousins are in Mexico.
My cousins are in Mexico.
En expresiones de lugar:
1. At se utiliza con…
Lugares comunes: at university, at Miguel’s, at the airport.
Lugares específicos: at Las Vegas, at the University of Oxford.
Direcciones: At Centenario 535, at Los Jardines 458.
Posiciones: At the top, at the window, at the bottom.
2. In se utiliza con…
Países: In Perú, in England, in Poland.
Ciudades: In Lima, in Madrid, in Buenos Aires.
Lugares del hogar: In the kitchen, in the living room, in the bathroom.
Clima: in the sun, in the wind, in the rain.
Ciertas expresiones: in a taxi, in a line /queue / row, in the sky.
Ciertos lugares: in hospital, in prison, in bed.
3. On se utiliza con…
Medios de transporte: on a bicycle, on a bus, on a plane.
Superficies: on the table, on the floor, on the list.
Partes del cuerpo: on my leg, on your feet, on your lips.
Direcciones: on the right, on the left, on the way.
Pisos de un edificio: on the third floor, on the first floor.
También se pueden usar:
1. At se utiliza con…
Horas: At 12:20, at eight o’clock.
Días festivos: At Easter, at Christmas.
Horas de comida: At breakfast.
*Momentos del día: At night, at midday, at midnight, at dawn.
* Solo estos momentos del día, ningún otro.
2. In se utiliza con…
Meses: In July, in December.
Estaciones: In Winter, in Summer.
Años, décadas y centurias: In 2016, in the 90’s, in the twenty-first century.
*Momentos del día: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
* Al igual que en el caso de at, solo estas expresiones y ninguna otra.
3. On se utiliza con…
Días de la semana: on Monday, on Friday.
Fechas: on July 2nd, on September first.
Días festivos utilizando la palabra ‘day’: on Easter day, on New year’s day.