Inglés, pregunta formulada por hipolitoloor111, hace 10 meses

Mixed questions, affirmatives and negatives with Present Progressive.

a) (we / go to the cinema later) _____________________________________________
b) (they/work/now) ________________________________________________________
c) (you / not / walk) ______________________________________________________
d) (they / learn new things?)_________________________________________________
e) (when / he / start work?) _________________________________________________
f) (why / I / stay at home?) ________________________________________________
g) (it / get dark?) _________________________________________________________
h) (we / not / win)_________________________________________________________
i) (they / not / bring a cake)__________________________________________________
j) (the dog / not / play with a ball)________________

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por carlie1
a) we’re going to the cinema later
Contestado por aninhag543
B) they are working now / negative: they are not working now

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