123. If she´d invited me, I´d have gone to her party. ( ) but I got a job instead.
234. If I´d gone to university, I´d have studied spanish. ( ) I didn´t know they were so expensive.
345. If I´d known Joe was here, I´d have said hello. ( ) but nobody told me he was here.
456. She´d have sent you a message if she´d had yor address. ( ) I didn´t bring my umbrella.
567. I´d have passed my test if I´d stopped at the lights. ( ) but it´d rained all day.
678. If the weather´d been better, we could have had a picnic. ( ) but I didn´t get an invitation.
789. If she´d told me you were coming too, I wouldn´t have come( ) but I didn´t see they were red.
890. If I´d seen the weather forecast, I´d have known it was ( ) but she didn´t tell me.
going to rain.
901. If I´d known how much it cost, I wouldn´t have promised ( ) but she hadn´t got her address book.
to buy one.
Respuestas a la pregunta
Ejercicio de mezcla y completación
Respuestas de emparejamiento de oraciones
123. If she´d invited me, I´d have gone to her party. (123) but I didn´t get an invitation.
234. If I´d gone to university, I´d have studied spanish (234) but I got a job instead.
345. If I´d known Joe was here, I´d have said hello (345) but she didn´t tell me.
456. She´d have sent you a message if she´d had your address (456) but she hadn´t got her address book.
567. I´d have passed my test if I´d stopped at the lights. (567) but I didn´t see they were red.
678. If the weather´d been better, we could have had a picnic (678) I didn´t bring my umbrella.
789. If she´d told me you were coming too, I wouldn´t have come (789) but nobody told me he was here.
890. If I´d seen the weather forecast, I´d have known it was (890) but it´d rained all day.
901. If I´d known how much it cost, I wouldn´t have promised (901 ) I didn´t know they were so expensive.
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