Mi hermana mayor, se llama eni cuadrado ramos, tiene veintiuno años de edad, tiene una altura de unocencentaytres, es de piel morena, su cabello onduulado color negro, tiene cara ovalada, tiene cejas pobladas, sus ojos color cafe oscuro, es delgada, traba independiente, le gusta salir a cine, bailar, ir de paseo, le gusta estar en familia, su forma de ser es sensible, amigable, juguetona, quiere ser contadora
me ayudan porfa no con traductor
Respuestas a la pregunta
My older sister, is called eni cuadrado ramos, is twenty-one years old, has a height of unocenceytres, is brown skin, her hair wavy black, has oval face, has populated eyebrows, her eyes dark brown, is thin, work independent, likes to go to the cinema, dance, go for a walk, likes to be with family, his way of being is sensitive, friendly, playful and she wants to be an accountant.
My older sister, her name is Eni Cuadrado Ramos, is Twenty- one years old, is one- centimeter long, has dark skin, her wavy black hair, her oval face, her bushy eyebrows, her dark brown eyes, she is slim, She works independently, she likes going out to the movies, dancing, going for a walk, she likes to be with her family, her way of being is sensitive, friendly, playful. she wants to be an accountant