Inglés, pregunta formulada por patata0dono, hace 11 meses

me puedes ayudar con 5 oraciones con one y ones

Yamiisnotonfire: ones?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por IzharX
one of my dogs die by a car.
The only ones left are this ones.
This one is better for you.
The ones that go stold your cell phone.
One time you start you can go back.

Contestado por AndyXD

1- Which is your car, the red one or the blue one?
2- I need some new pair of shoes. The ones that I has is broken.
3- I like eating Ice cream, especially the ones that have chocolate chip on.
4- One day I will visit America
5- My dogs are the one that is black and the one brown
6- Do I have to buy one phone?
7-Which car should I  to rent? The big one or the small one?
8- Which is your friend? The left one or the right one?
9- There are five childrens in the park. Wich ones are yours?
10- These ones are mine.

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