Inglés, pregunta formulada por haneul123h, hace 11 meses

me pueden traducir esto por favor el traductor no es muy bueno :(

El carnaval en el Perú es una fiesta y celebración pública que tiene lugar días antes de la cuaresma católica por lo cual es una fiesta movible, que a lo largo del Perú tiene diversas manifestaciones locales que lo hacen distinto de lugar en lugar, pero que tienen en común el sentido lúdico y alegre de la festividad.
En el Perú los carnavales van acompañados con el juego con agua,1 harina, talco y/o pinturas, y en algunas zonas van acompañadas de danzas folclóricas
Carnaval es una celebración que varía en función a las tradiciones religiosas católicas como la Cuaresma y Semana Santa.

El carnaval peruano tiene sus raíces en la fe católica, la cual fue traída desde España durante la colonización. En la actualidad es una de las fiestas más celebradas en todo el país y, para muchos locales y turistas, se ha convertido en una fecha para salir de fiesta hasta el desmayo.
En Perú, el carnaval es una fiesta pública, cuyas fechas varían acorde al calendario católico.
A lo largo y ancho del país existen diferentes manifestaciones locales que lo hacen distinto y único en cada lugar, aunque sigue compartiendo aspectos como el juego y la alegría en todas las provincias.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por vantely


Carnival in Peru is a public party and celebration that takes place days before Catholic Lent, which is why it is a mobile festival, which throughout Peru has various local manifestations that make it different from place to place, but which have in common the playful and joyous sense of the holiday.

In Peru, carnivals are accompanied with play with water, 1 flour, talc and / or paintings, and in some areas they are accompanied by folk dances.

Carnival is a celebration that varies according to Catholic religious traditions such as Lent and Easter.

The Peruvian carnival has its roots in the Catholic faith, which was brought from Spain during colonization. Today it is one of the most celebrated festivals in the whole country and, for many locals and tourists, it has become a date to party until fainting.

In Peru, carnival is a public holiday, the dates of which vary according to the Catholic calendar.

Throughout the country there are different local manifestations that make it different and unique in each place, although it continues to share aspects such as play and joy in all the provinces.


haneul123h: gracias
Contestado por allis22f


The Peru's carnival is a public festival which is before the catholic "cuaresma" hence is an important fest because the variety in different cities, but is the same due to it is joyful.

In Peru, we celbrate carnivals in the way to throw water, flour, talcom powder or paint, in some zones, it is complemented with folk dances.

Carnival is a celebration which changes due to the religious beliefs, like the holy week.

The base of Peru's carnivals are the catholic faith from Spain, during the colony. Actually, this festival is one of the most celebrated is in all the country. It's very joyful that at the end, you get tired.

In Peru, carnival is a public holiday, which varies according to the Catholic calendar.

Throughout the country, there are different local manifestations that make it different and unique in each place, although it continues to share aspects such as the mode to play and joy in all the provinces.

Ojalá esté bien ;(

haneul123h: gracias uwu
allis22f: de nadaaa
allis22f: me olvidé de corregirlo
allis22f: Peru's carnival is a public festival which is before the catholic "cuaresma" hence is an important fest because of the variety in different cities, but is the same due to it is joyful.

In Peru, we celebrate carnivals in the way to throw water, flour, talcom powder or paint, in some zones, and it is complemented with folk dances.

Carnival is a celebration which changes due to the religious beliefs, like the holy week.
allis22f: The base of Peru's carnivals are the catholic faith from Spain, during the colony. Actually, this festival is one of the most celebrated is in all the country. It's very joyful that at the end, you get tired. In Peru, carnival is a public holiday, which varies according to the Catholic calendar.
allis22f: Throughout the country, there are different local manifestations that make it different and unique in each place, although it continues to share aspects such as the mode to play and joy in all the provinces.
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