El día de su cumpleaños, Harry Potter descubre que es hijo de dos conocidos hechiceros, de los que ha heredado poderes mágicos. Debe asistir a una famosa escuela de magia y hechicería, donde entabla una amistad con dos jóvenes que se convertirán en sus compañeros de aventura. Durante su primer año en Hogwarts, descubre que un malévolo y poderoso mago llamado Voldemort está en busca de una piedra filosofal que alarga la vida de quien la posee.Harry Potter y los estudiantes de segundo año investigan una malévola amenaza para sus compañeros de clases de Hogwarts.
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On his birthday, Harry Potter discovers that he is the son of two well-known sorcerers, from whom he has inherited magical powers. He must attend a famous school of magic and sorcery, where he makes friends with two young men who will become his companions on his adventure. During his first year at Hogwarts, he discovers that a malevolent and powerful wizard named Voldemort is in search of a philosopher's stone that lengthens the life of the one who possesses it. Harry Potter and the sophomores investigate a malevolent threat to his fellow classmates. Hogwarts.
On his birthday, Harry Potter discovers that he is the son of two well-known sorcerers, from whom he has inherited magical powers. He must attend a famous school of magic and sorcery, where he makes friends with two young men who will become his companions on his adventure. During his first year at Hogwarts, he discovers that a malevolent and powerful wizard named Voldemort is in search of a philosopher's stone that lengthens the life of the one who possesses it. Harry Potter and the sophomores investigate a malevolent threat to his classmates. Hogwarts.