Inglés, pregunta formulada por mel173, hace 1 año

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins nacida en Tottenham, Inglaterra, 5 de mayo de 1988,  conocida simplemente como Adele, es una cantante y compositora británica. Su popularidad comenzó cuando un íntimo amigo subió algunas de sus grabaciones a su cuenta personal de MySpace en el año 2006. Ella es la primera mujer en la historia que sitúa tres sencillos entre las primeras diez posiciones de la lista musical Billboard Hot 100 simultáneamente, Una de las canciones de Adele "Hello" logró llegar a las 27 millones de visualizaciones en 24 horas, siendo el vídeo más vísto (en 24 horas).
Su actual pareja es Simon Konecki con quien Adele comparte un hijo llamado Angelo James Konecki. Se sabe poco de su familia,pareja y amigos ya que ella prefiere ser reservada en ese tema.
Adele en su tiempo libre le encanta leer, sobre todo poesía.
El cambio más notorio en la apariencia física de adele es su  pérdida de peso, en los últimos años adelgazó 68 años por cuestiones de salud.
Aunque Adele nunca dijo su comida favorita, si sabemos que no tolera los críticos y sus frutas favoritas son la manzana y banana.
La cantante  ha protagonizado una divertida broma en el programa de Ellen DeGeneres. Adele se presentó en un local de zumos vegetales con un pinganillo en la oreja y una misión, repetir todo lo que dijese la presentadora desde el estudio. En apenas cinco minutos, Adele muestra sus dotes interpretativos mostrándose como una estrella caprichosa llena de manías. Genial el momento final en la que Adele mira al empleado y con total normalidad le pregunta si ella, ya que es famosa, tiene que pagar los zumos.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Usuario anónimo
CAREER AND PROFESSIONAdele Laurie Blue Adkins was born in Tottenham, England, May 5, 1988, known simply as Adele, is a singer-songwriter. His popularity began when a close friend climbed some of his recordings to his personal account of MySpace in 2006. She is the first woman in history placing three singles in the top ten positions of the musical Billboard Hot 100 simultaneously, A Adele songs "Hello" managed to reach 27 million views in 24 hours, being the most watched video (in 24 hours).
FAMILY AND FRIENDSHis current partner is Simon Konecki with Adele who shares a son named Angelo James Konecki. Little is known of his family, partner and friends as she prefers to be reserved on that topic.

FREE TIME ACTIVITIESAdele in her spare time loves to read, especially poetry.PHYSICAL APPEARANCEThe most noticeable change in the physical appearance of adele is your weight loss in recent years slimmed 68 years for health reasons.FOOD PREFERENCESAlthough Adele never said his favorite food, if we know that does not tolerate critics and your favorite fruits are apple and banana.

COMMENTS OF HUMOR / anecdotes.The singer has starred in a funny joke on the Ellen DeGeneres. Adele was presented at a local vegetable juices with an earpiece in the ear and a mission, repeating everything the presenter tell from the study. In just five minutes, Adele shows his interpretive skills being shown as a whimsical star full of hobbies. Genial the final moment in which the employee Adele looks perfectly normal and asks if she, as it is known, has to pay juices.
Espero que te ayude c,:

Usuario anónimo: lo hice
Usuario anónimo: :,v
mel173: El final está un poco mal, tiene dos palabras en español y creo que no entendiste la broma xd si querés buscala por yt, es q creo q lo escribiste mal
Usuario anónimo: Sorry :,v
mel173: lo podrías corregir porfass?
Usuario anónimo: Pero... No hay ninguna palabra en español :v
Usuario anónimo: Lo que pasa esque en el inglés hay algunas palabras que se escriben igual al español.
Usuario anónimo: Por eso
Usuario anónimo: .-.
mel173: Bueno bueno tranquila no me metas la pesada
Contestado por jupuza
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins born in Tottenham, England, May 5, 1988, known simply as Adele, is a singer and British composer. His popularity began when an intimate friend raised some of his recordings to his MySpace's personal account in the year 2006. She is the first woman in the history that places three simple ones between the first ten positions of the musical list Billboard Hot 100 simultaneously, One of Adele's songs "Hello" achieved 27 came to millions of visualizations in 24 hours, being the video more vísto (in 24 hours). FAMILY AND FRIENDS His current pair is Simon Konecki with whom Adele shares a son called Angelo James Konecki. Little of his family is known, pair and friends since she prefers being reserved in this topic. ACTIVITIES OF TIME in his free time she is charmed with reading FREE Adele, especially poetry. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The most well-known change in adele's physical appearance is his loss of weight, in the last years it slimmed 68 years for questions of health. PREFERENCES IN THE FOOD Though Adele never said his favorite food, if we know that he does not tolerate the critics and his favorite fruits are the apple and banana. HUMOR/ANEDOCTAS's COMMENTS. The singer has led an enterteining joke in Ellen DeGeneres's program. Adele appeared in a place of vegetable juices with a pinganillo in the ear and a mission, to repeat everything what the presenter was saying from the study. In only five minutes. Adele shows his interpretive endowments appearing as a capricious star full of obsessions. Brilliant the final moment in that Adele looks at the employee and with total normality he asks him if she, since it is famous, has to pay the juices.

mel173: Lo traduciste tu o con una aplicación? Es que también comentaron más arriba y no se cual de los dos esta mejor, muchísimas gracias por ayudarme
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