Inglés, pregunta formulada por alexis30405, hace 2 meses

Me pueden dar las respuestas
Porfavor ​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por ramirezgonzales50


1. Ana is going to write her resume today

2. My classmates aren't going to study with me during this time

3. Are you going to watch the on TV?

4. I am going to apply for this job position

5. The company is going to publish the new job positions soon.


1. Ana = singular 3ra persona. Is

2. My classmates = plural 3ra persona negativo. Aren't

3. solo puse "You" por que no hay otro sujeto mas

4. I = singular 1ra persona afirmativo. am

5. The company = singular 3ra persona (no dice afirmativo o negativo) Puse afirmativo

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