Me pueden ayudar plox en traducir esto a inglés
-tiempo antes sara y tom eran novios en el cielo pero como tom fue castigado y mandándolo a la tierra no hubo más opción que terminar de podía decir que sara aún sentía algo por impedir que tom sintiera algo por Emily. Miraremos qué sucede en el cielo
-sara: Angela sabes… me enteré de algo que nos va a servir...
-Angela: ¿Encerio?
-Sara: Tom siente algo por una humana y se llama Emily pero lo raro es que ella no siente nada por el
-Angela: ¿quieres hacer algo al respecto?
-Sara: obviamente hablemos con cupido tal vez el pueda hacer algo al respecto
(Dónde cupido)
-Sara: ¡¡¡oye!!! Cupido necesito un favor
-Angela: recuerda que nos deben un favor así que ayúdanos.
-cupido: recuerden que solo puedo hacer algo a favor del amor
-Sara: lo sabemos
-Angela: solamente te pedimos que a una humana llamada Emily…
-Sara: se enamore de Tom
-Cupido: no espera, cupido era tu novio por qué lo quieres ayudar. ¿Lo odias acaso?
-Sara: lo se pero una simple ayuda no es mala ¿verdad?
-cupido: te voy a ayudar lanzaré unas cuantas flechas para que se enamore de Tom
-Sara: ya vez Angela todo se puede
-mientras tanto en la tierra tom y Emily siguen siendo compañeros
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-Time before Sara and Tom were boyfriends in heaven but as Tom was punished and sent to earth there was no choice but to finish could say that Sara still felt something to prevent Tom from feeling something for Emily. We will see what happens in heaven
-sara: Angela you know ... I found out something that will serve us ...
-Angela: Encerio?
-Sara: Tom feels something for a human and her name is Emily but the strange thing is that she does not feel anything for the
-Angela: do you want to do something about it?
-Sara: obviously let's talk to Cupid maybe he can do something about it
(Where cupid)
-Sara: Hey! Cupid, I need a favor
-Angela: remember that you owe us a favor so help us.
-cupido: remember that I can only do something in favor of love
-Sara: we know
-Angela: we only ask you to a human named Emily ...
-Sara: fell in love with Tom
-Cupid: do not wait, Cupid was your boyfriend, why do you want to help him? Do you hate it?
-Sara: I know but a simple help is not bad right?
-cupido: I'll help you I'll throw a few arrows so that you fall in love with Tom
-Sara: now Angela everything can be
/// ---- /// ----- /// -
-Meanwhile on earth Tom and Emily are still partners
-sara: Angela you know ... I found out something that will serve us ...
-Angela: Encerio?
-Sara: Tom feels something for a human and her name is Emily but the strange thing is that she does not feel anything for the
-Angela: do you want to do something about it?
-Sara: obviously let's talk to Cupid maybe he can do something about it
(Where cupid)
-Sara: Hey! Cupid, I need a favor
-Angela: remember that you owe us a favor so help us.
-cupido: remember that I can only do something in favor of love
-Sara: we know
-Angela: we only ask you to a human named Emily ...
-Sara: fell in love with Tom
-Cupid: do not wait, Cupid was your boyfriend, why do you want to help him? Do you hate it?
-Sara: I know but a simple help is not bad right?
-cupido: I'll help you I'll throw a few arrows so that you fall in love with Tom
-Sara: now Angela everything can be
/// ---- /// ----- /// -
-Meanwhile on earth Tom and Emily are still partners
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