Inglés, pregunta formulada por alejandritaveli, hace 1 año

me pueden ayudar con un cuento de terror pero en ingles y español
porfas estare muy a gradecida

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por DeguzLabre
Aqui esta en español:
Cuando tenía unos 8 años, me gustaba mucho jugar con Mega Bloks; armaba grandes torres, para luego derrumbarlas. Una de esas veces, ya habiendo tirado otra de mis torres, me aburrí de estar en mi cuarto y fui a pedirle permiso a mi mamá para salir a jugar. Ella me dijo que me dejaría una vez que recogiera los bloques que había dejado en el piso, entonces yo me giré para regresar a mi cuarto, pero me detuve porque mi hermano, de 5 años estaba en mi cuarto, recogiendo los juguetes por mí. Había encendido la luz, estaba callado y se veía muy concentrado en lo que hacía. Volteé con mi mamá otra vez, y le dije, "Ah, mi hermano ya lo esta haciendo por mí," a lo que ella se asomó, observó mi puerta muy desconcertada por un par de segundos, y dijo: "Ahí no hay nadie. Tu hermano está afuera, jugando." Volví a mi cuarto y vi que, en efecto, no había nadie; ahora la luz estaba apagada, y los juguetes seguían en el suelo. Sí se me hizo extraño, pero decidí ignorarlo, recoger y simplemente salir...
Lo de ingles:
When I was about 8 years old, I really enjoyed playing with Mega Bloks; armed great towers, and then collapsed them. One of those times, having already thrown another of my towers, I got bored of being in my room and I went to ask my mother's permission to go out and play. She told me she would leave me once I picked up the blocks I had left on the floor, so I turned to go back to my room, but I stopped because my 5-year-old brother was in my room collecting the toys for me. He had turned on the light, was quiet and looked very focused on what he was doing. I went back to my mom again, and I said, "Ah, my brother is already doing it for me," to which she peeked, looked at my door very puzzled for a couple of seconds, and said, "There's no one there Your brother is out, playing. " I went back to my room and saw that, indeed, there was no one; now the light was off, and the toys were still on the floor. Yes it was strange, but I decided to ignore it, pick it up and just go out ...
espero que te sirva...

alejandritaveli: muchas gracias
Contestado por jacoAndresMusic
EL NOMBRE DEL CUENTO: The Princess and the Pea.

Once there was a prince who was looking for a princess. But she must be a real princess. The prince went right round the world, and although he found several once upon a time the beautiful princesses, there was always something not quite right about them. In the end he came home, very disappointed.

One night, there was the most terrible storm. It thundered, it lightninged and the rain poured down in sheets. The king and queen and prince sat round the fire toasting crumpets.  Suddenly there was a ringing of the bell at the palace gates. Putting on his mackintosh, the king went to see who could be outside on such a dreadful night. When he opened the gates a princess was standing there. But what a sight she was! Water streamed off the ends of her long hair, ran down her clothes and into her shoes.

-"You´d better come in," said the king, leading the princess into the palace where she stood, dripping, and not looking at all like a princess.
- "Yes, I am a princess," she assured them. 
The old queen was doubtful. "We´ll soon see about that," she said to herself. And she went to prepare the spare bed for their young visitor. 
First she took off all the bedding and then she laid a pea at the very bottom. On top of the pea she put twenty mattresses and on top of the mattresses she put twenty feather beds.

The next morning the princess was asked how she had slept. 

-"I hardly slept a wink all night," she said. "The bed was desperately uncomfortable. There was something hard at the bottom of it and I´m sure I am bruised all over." 
Now they knew she was a real princess. For no one but a princess would be able to feel a pea through twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds! The prince was thrilled to bits for he had already fallen in love with her. And they decided to be married.
 As for the pea, well it was put into a museum where it may still be seen if no one has stolen it.



SALUDOS JacoAndresMuisc

alejandritaveli: muchas gracias
jacoAndresMusic: dame un gracias a mi tambien porfa
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